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AN:/ Hey guys! Thanks for the 1.4k reads! Anyways, who likes my new cover? I thought this one looks a bit more professional than the other one. Enjoy chapter thirteen!(;

Previously On 'Along The Way: A Raura Story' Chapter Twelve:

"Look Ross, I don't want to get into everything. I just need a friend right now, I have a lot on my mind at the moment." I say truthfully looking him in the eyes, hoping he'd drop the subject. Ross sighs as well and nods, "Alright, for now." He says. Just then the waiter comes.

"What can I get you pumpkin?" I freeze and look up, to see someone I've been trying to avoid. That bastard.



Laura's POV

Pumpkin. I narrowed me eyes, I will not be afraid, I will not be afraid. I kept chanting inside my head. Yes this bastard abused me and cheated on me but I will not show fear. I will pretend nothing is wrong or else Ross will be bugging at my waist like a thorn for the rest of the trip.

"Hello, sir. Can I get a water please?" I said forcefully and frowned at him. Ross gave me a confused glance, "Uh, water too please." Ross says to him. He nods and smiles, looking at me. "What happen to pink lemonade, pumpkin?" He said obviously irritated with me, even though I haven't done crap! I smirk as I know my comeback, "What happen to being a doctor, J-Swish?" As I glance around with my hands up gesturing to the old, cheap cafe. He flares his nostrils at me and clenches his fists. "I'll be back with your damn water." He says and leaves quickly. I cross my arms, happy with my comeback. He was going to go to Stanford and major in becoming a doctor but that dream shriveled up his ass and died when his parents found out about his abusive side and refuse to pay for him. I was 16 at the time and he was 18. Yes, a couple year difference. He was my bestfriend, so sweet and kind, we became a couple when I was 15 and he was 17 and my parents allowed it, knowing he was well behaved. As if.

"What the hell was that Laura?" Oh, Ross! I forgot he was here.... I send a sad smile his way. "It was nothing Ross." Ross frowned at me, "It lo-"

"Your waters." Jake carefully set down Ross's water glass then when he reached for mine he looked up and glared at me. Slamming the cup, causing some water to pour out of the glass. I lock eyes with him, "Anger problem, much?" I say squinting my eyes. He clutches the tray he used to bring the water out and slams it on a table next to us, "Are you ready to order, pumpkin?" Ross glares at Jake, not liking the anger and slamming. "Yeah, I am." Ross speaks up and Jake snaps his head towards him. "Who are you anyways?" He snaps his head back at me, "Laur, don't tell me he's your boyfriend." Jake spits out the word boyfriend with venom and hatred. Ross sends a glare so bad that if looks could kill, Jake would be dead. I've never seen Ross so mad and deadly looking. It kinda scared me. "It's none of your business, Jake. Now we would like to order." I say as calming as I could in the situation. Jake gives a cold, humorous laugh, "It's my business alright, I don't care if you don't like me anymore." I was about to say something back but then Jake cut me off to speak again, "I take that back, you loved me. You were in love with me. And what did I do to you baby Laur? Did I love you? Di-" I slammed my hands on the table, "Shut up you bastard!" I feel tears wanting to come out but I refuse to cry in front of him. I'm a strong women, not a careless abused girl who was afraid. Not anymore. Ross's eyes soften as he looks at me with worry. Jake who is amused keeps going on, "What's wrong? Not gonna cry in front of your boyfriend huh?" Ross sends a glare at him. "Wait, don't tell me. He isn't your boyfriend, is he? You can't love anymore because of me?" He asks almost laughing. I stay silent frowning at nothing. "You're pathetic! This is priceless! I mean I went and ban-" I didn't want to hear anymore of his bullshit. I got up and tackled him to the ground throwing punches at his angel face. Hitting him in the gut and refusing him to get me off. "You bastard! Of course I loved you! How could you Jake!" I start to cry as I throw another punch, as hard as I could at his jaw. Hoping it would hurt like hell and I guess it did because he groaned in pain. "Laura! Stop!" I feel Ross's arms around my waist trying to pry me off of the jerk but I refuse. I start to punch Jake in the stomach and cry harder. Each punch slowing down and down. Ross's arms wrap around my waist lifting me off of Jake. I look down at Jake as he sits up and looks at me with guilt. I start to cry and curse Jake. "You ass! I hate you!" I shout in his face while Ross holds me back from going any farther. Jake looks down at himself and stands up, towering over me but the same height as Ross. He looks down at me, "I'm sorry Laura." He says with a clenched jaw. I shut my eyes, letting tears go down my cheeks. I shake my head opening my eyes and looking straight into Jakes, "You don't mean it, you never did. This isn't the first time you have said sorry to me Jake. J-just leave me alone and if we see each other again, don't approach me. Or else I'll kick you in the balls. Hard." I say with all my anger and frustration into one towards Jake. He just nods and leaves, saying 'Excuse me' passing by Ross and I. I look around and see people who were just watching the whole thing with eyes widen and faces with shock. I look at the and speak, "That's what happens when you date an older guy who's a dick!" I shout and exit the cafe with Ross on my trail.

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