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Ross's POV

Beep......beep......beep. Where am I? My head is killing me and I can't move. What happen to me? I feel someone's hand in mine.
"Ross, wake up. You need to wake up." A voice that sounds just like Laura's. I want to wake up... But I can't.
I soon here light sobs coming from Laura. I want to comfort her so bad.. Oh god, I'm in a coma.. That's why I can't wake up! Crap! This is bad. I need to wake up.
I try to open my mouth, which I fail really bad. I try to move something in my body but nothing happens.
"This-this is all my fault. If I didn't tell Justin that you surfed then you wouldn't of competed." Laura says between sobs. It surely isn't her fault at all. It's definitely Justin's, he pushed me off my damn board for crying out loud! Who the heck does that anyways? It was a friendly competition. Or at least to me it was.
I finally manage to twitch my finger, as oddly as it sounds. "Ross, y-you're twitching!" I hear shuffling, "Nurse! Nurse!"
I finally open my eyes. To see the face I've missed so much.
"Laura?" I say weakly. I see her eyes filled with tears and her face filled with joy at the sight of me.
"I'm glad you're okay Ross." She carefully hugs me and I hug her back. It feels good to hug her, I haven't in awhile.
Soon the nurse tells us that Laura needs to leave so they can do a check up on me. Laura smiles at me and leaves. The nurse and doctor do check ups on me asking all these coma questions and such. They excuse me and say I can leave. Thank god! I exit the room fully clothed in my clothes and see Laura in the waiting room. She stands up and smiles.

"How long was I out for anyways?" I question Laura out of curiosity. Her smile drops fast and turns into a sad look.
"Three weeks." She responds. My eyes go wide. Three weeks?! That's almost a month! I can't imagine how Laura must of felt!
I hug her tightly, "I'm sorry I put you through that Laura." She lightly laughs into my shoulder.
"Oh Ross, it wasn't your fault." I then remember how she thought it was her fault and I quickly add, "And it wasn't yours either." She looks down and smiles sadly.
"Ross, it was my fault. And I'm sorry." She begins to say.
I grab both of her shoulders tightly looking her in the eyes, about an inch away from her face, "Laura, Justin pushed me off the board. It wasn't your fault." I say sternly and seriously, she better understand.
Her face is shocked and disgusted at the same time. "That-that doughe-bag! How could he?! He comforted me the whole time you were out! He even said that you slipped." She looks beyond pissed off, "I'm gonna, oh I'm gon" I start to giggle a little bit at her, "I'm going to rip his head off!" She screams and breaks away from me storming down the hallway. I call her name laughing along the way.
"Laura! Chill!" She sharply turns around, her face red and nostrils flaring. "Don't. Tell. Me. To. Chill." She says with gritted teeth. I raise my hands in surrender. Still laughing, "Where are you going?" Soon I follow Laura and see Justin in line at the lunch room in the hospital. She goes up to justin and taps on his shoulder. He turns around with a bright smile on his face, it soon disappears when he sees Laura's expression.
She starts to tell him something then boom, a slap goes to his face. I flinch, it was a hard slap. It even left a huge mark. I start to walk to them. "You idiot! Why would you do that? He could of been killed! You almost killed the love of my life! You.... I'm going to kill you filthy rat! I'm going to sue your ass!" I begin laughing until I hear one line that made my heart stop. You almost killed the love of my life. Did she mean that? Justin's eyes flicker to me and Laura follows his eyes and hers land on me too. Her face turns to panic. She must of realized what she said. "I-I mean, well I gotta go..." She awkwardly says as she zooms past me. Justin who is cupping his right cheek glaring at me. I glare back and turn away, going after Laura.

"Laura!" I scream her name before she enters her car. She freezes and turns with a nervous face. "Laura, wait." I finally meet her and cross me arms due to the cold.
Her eyes shift to the ground, embarrassed and starts to tap her leg nervously. I sigh loudly, "Was it true? What you said back there?" I ask slowly. She looks up, "Said what?" I roll my eyes annoyingly. "You know what I mean, the love of my life part. Is that true?" Laura bites her bottom lip and continues to tap her leg. "No." She says quietly. I don't believe her, I step forward closer to her. "Really? It sounded like you meant it." Her eyes don't look at me at all, which gets me mad. "Look at me for gods sake." Finally, her brown beautiful eyes meet mine and I smile as I look at them.
"Laura, I don't care if it was true or not. Cause I know one thing." I say as my breath is shown in the cold air. Her eyebrows furrow as she listens intently to what I'm about to say, "I love you, Laura." I finally say and I'm fist pumping mentally that I said it without stuttering. Laura's eyes widen, her face in shock. I stand there waiting for a response. "Well?" I say nervously, I start to fidget with my hands. She smiles up at me, "I-I love you too, Ross." I sigh in relief and smile brightly. I kiss her and hug her tightly in my arms. She pulls away, "But." Laura says, I give her a questioning look. "But what?" I say.

She stares at me intently. "Ross, wake up. You need to wake up." I pull away from her. "What?" I say. Then suddenly, I jolt up and I'm in a white room. A hospital to be exact.

AN:// HAHAHAH! Don't hate me! I love you guys. And sorry I've been slacking on my chapters... Writers block AND I've been busy with dumb finals. Hope you enjoyed this. COMMENT AND VOTE! Love ya!- Joedynn

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