The Dream Team

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After a whirlwind 3 weeks of organising for my new life and saying bye to my bitch boss Alison and her awful ways I finally make it to New York.

I have an agent, Ken, to arrange everything with the studio and he even set me up with a personal assistant, Marie, to keep me organised.

A week after arriving in New York and getting my new life set up is when the real work begins.

Paul has arranged the cast to a script read through session and wants to ensure the chemistry with the girls is ok.

Im nervous as hell as I have crushed on Kristen Wiig on SNL, loved everything Melissa McCarthy has ever been in since her Sookie St James days, laughed hysterically at everything that Leslie Jones has done and Kate McKinnon... I have no words. Ok a few. A goddess, beauty, brains, humour, talent. I want to get to know her and learn from her. We are close in age but she has lived the life I was afraid to.


The day comes and I meet with Paul and my assistant and we go through the events of the day. It is going to be a gruelling day as lines will be changed and retried. "Getting every joke in where we can" Paul advised.

"I cant wait - this is all unbelievable, Thanks Paul" I say as I look over his shoulder, In comes the dream team.

Leslie, Melissa, Kate and Kirsten all walk in chatting away.

Paul, Marie and I all stand up and walk over to meet them. Paul introduces me;

"Everyone, this is Robyn, she will be playing Melanie and she also helped with the storyline".

They all welcome me and make me feel at ease.

Leslie high fives me "Welcome to the Ghostbusters Baby! We gonna have some fun!"

Melissa gives me a warm hug "Aww look how nervous you are....Welcome sweety!"

Kirsten grabs my hands and lets me know that if I need anything to let her know.. then Kate walks up behind Kirsten and says over her shoulder "and me - its all a bit nerve wracking but we are a team, so we are here for you!"

*INTERNAL SCREAMS ECHO THROUGH MY HEAD - My heart is about to break through my sternum, sweat drips from my hands into the pool accumulating on the floor*

"Thank you, your all so kind" I manage to stammer out.

"OK Ladies, if you dont mind I think we will start now. I will read Chris's parts as he is delayed with press from his latest film." booms Paul over the chit chat.

We all take our seats.

The day flies by and laughs are had, we work on lines that could be funnier. I chime in with ideas and they are received well and written in. I have an idea about the basset hound mentioned in the first GB movie and they love it. Im ecstatic, but still nervous as hell.

The day draws to a close and as we are saying our goodbyes I have an idea I run by Paul. I want to feel more at ease with the ladies, get rid of the nerves before filming starts. I want to build rapport in the team and be able to really access everything I can - but that is only possible after I get rid of the nerves. Paul advises that we have 2 weeks before filming starts and the ladies are booked in New York for GB fittings and media shots for the next few days and then having a short break before filming starts.

With this information I take it to the "dream team" to do what my gym buddies would do some nights to get to know each other. I suggest a "P3" night.

They all look confused and I explain. Pizza, Playstation and Pina Colada's.

"YESSSSS!" Kate yells as soon as I finish saying Colada's.

A nervous and excited laugh escapes me before I could catch it. I watch Kate for a reaction. Just a smile and she looks to the others wanting them to agree to the night of bonding.

They are in and we arrange to do it the next night at my new apartment, we exchange numbers and arrange to meet at 7:30.


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