Chapter One

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The most unexpected turns a person's life can take happen in a split second isn't that spooky? Well, that's what happened to me about a year ago.

My name is Olivia Swatton and I live in Bristol, England. It's almost impossible to describe me as anything other than a typical 17-year-old girl. In the outside world, I seemed perfectly normal until a year ago, attending school, having friends, and having a small yet loving family.

I used to live with my 49-year-old father Andrew, and I have to admit it was wonderful! It never occurred to me that this could change. For some reason, I never met my mum and my dad and I never talk about her. Only once, when I was 8 years old, I asked him why I was the only child in my class who only had a dad. I remember his reply as if it was 3 seconds ago. His thick eyebrows frowned and said very clearly "Because you are the most special little girl in the whole world. Don't let anyone make you believe otherwise." He never replied directly to my question about my mother, but I never inquired about it again. Sometimes we visited my grandparents in Ireland, but we could not afford to go as often as we would've liked.

My dad and I have some, rather silly, code names to call each other. It's like a game that we have been playing for as long as I can remember. He calls me emerald because of my bright green eyes, but I have to say I liked the previous one better. My hair is brown and wavy, so he called me autumn because of its length and dark color. Since I was 5 I have called him hazelnut. Though I'm not sure where it came from, I'm pretty sure it had something to do with his light brown hair, some of which has gone gray now.

As far back as I can remember, it's just been my dad and me. In addition to being a lawyer, he is an excellent musician as well. Initially, he taught me how to play the guitar and piano but later moved on to teaching me how to play the violin. I started studying music when I was 6 years old and since then my dream is to become a musician.

I've never had lots of friends. I was always very introverted. Although I'm very cautious around other people, I am always willing to make a connection. In spite of my dad's encouragement, I find myself putting all my energy into others, even if I try to refrain from doing so.

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So last year, a Saturday evening on the 16th of June, my dad told me that we were going to have dinner at a nearby restaurant. I was very excited and surprised because we didn't get out much. There was no need, he was a pro at cooking. I wore my very favourite dress that night, it was the same green shade as my eyes with accents of of light-pink lace at the bottom, dad always adored that dress.

At 8 o'clock we finally arrived at the nice Italian restaurant near our apartment. I always liked that restaurant not only for the food but for the cosy atmosphere. There was a stone fireplace in the depths of the room and the smell of the wooden furnace was filling my lungs with warmth.

We sat at our table, decorated with a white tablecloth and a little beige candle. The bright red napkins popped well against the natural-coloured furniture.

A couple of minutes passed and a woman came to our table exchanging anxious looks with my father. He saw the confused expression, took a deep breath through the nose and said "Olivia this is Elynn Marsen, Elynn this is Olivia." He took a shorter breath as he was waiting for my answer but Elynn spoke before me "Nice to meet you, Olivia, I've heard so much about you" she said with an almost creaky voice. "Nice to meet you," I said and gave a smile that felt half fake.

She looked lovely, her black eyes matched her white skin perfectly and her dyed-blond hair was wavy and at medium length. My dad cleared his throat. "Olivia, we came here tonight because I have something important to tell you" he said, wiping his clammy hands on his trousers.

I nodded calmly and he continued "Well, Elynn and I have been together for 3 years" he said and swallowed. My eyes widened for a second but I blinked to make it less noticeable. "The thing I wanted to tell you is that we've decided to get married" he finished quickly and exhaled. I was shocked, he caught me totally unprepared. I was about to reply but he spoke frantically "I'm so sorry Olivia, I would have told you sooner but I didn't know how. I--" I didn't let him finish.

I wasn't angry at all, maybe a little disappointed that he didn't talk to me from the beginning, but overall glad. "I'm so happy for you dad!" with a smile that was true this time! "Congrats" I continued, turning to face his soon to be wife and matched her soft smile. My dad stood up, hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear "You're the best. I love you". "Congratulations!" I told them again and I was sincerely happy that my dad found someone who he loves and loves him back.

After we finished our meal, Elynn stood up kissed my dad, then softly laid a kiss on my forehead. "Goodbye, see you in a bit" she said then left casually. I looked my dad with the same expression of confusion as before but I'd added a bit of curiosity in the mix. "I'll tell you in the car" he said calmly.

We got in our black Renault and I looked at him again. "Well, now we're going to Elynn's house so you can meet her sons... your new brothers" he added. "WAIT, WHAT? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I said quite angrily. "I know... I know I'm very sorry. I should have told you" he said with an apologetic look. I sighed and nodded "You said "sons". How many are they?" I asked but I could have never guessed the answer "seven" he said. That very moment cold sweat started running down my forehead but all I said was "OK". I turned my head to the window. He started the car. There was no turning back!

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I really hope you liked it, it's my first story 😊 Enjoy!

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