Chapter Six

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A week later everything was seemingly back to normal. Or at least as normal as the circumstances allowed us to be. Oliver and his mother went back home and our parents returned from their mini honeymoon. They seemed so happy and all they could talk about was how good of a time they had.

Shawn came back the following day looking worn out with black bags under his black eyes and his usually crystal clear skin was pale from exhaustion. His appearance was shocking; I had never seen him in such a state before. We didn't actually talk much the day he returned. He just had a sandwich and went straight to bed, managing to sleep for over 26 hours straight, only being woken up to have food and water.

As for Eithan, things did not become any better. Every time we accidentally made eye contact my heart would lurch and my constantly changing demeanor had started to become noticeable. I still had his notebook though, hidden deep in my hoodie drawer, trying to forget. Everything about him was so confusing! His mood swings were so frequent they gave me a whiplash.

I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes. I was in the kitchen for no apparent reason, I was just standing in the middle of it. I headed upstairs to my room and as I entered I found it as if a bomb had exploded. All my drawers were open and all my things were in disarray. I scanned the room and noticed that the perpetrator started from one corner and searched my room in a counter-clockwise pattern. I knew it was him because the hoodie drawer was gutted and the book was missing. I groaned in frustration.

I started picking up my things maniacally. I was so furious! I just started rehearsing our upcoming fight, it was going to be glorious. This is unbelievable. It's only 11:34 am and he's made me go out of my mind!

* * * * *

I waited and waited but he didn't show up. I just wanted to explode already but on the bright side, I had time to prepare my lecture. I rushed downstairs and immediately felt 4 sets of eyes on me. Shawn, James, Noah and Lando turned and looked at me, curious about my upset expression. "Do you happen to know where Eithan is?" I asked as calmly as I could. "Uhm.. actually no.." Shawn's eyebrows drew closer together. The twins exchanged looks with each other "We haven't seen him all day either" said Noah quietly, as if he was talking to himself. Lando stood up and opened the front door. "He was sitting on the bench this morning but I haven't seen him since either" he said softly. "So where is he?" I asked. Is this my fault? Is he gone because of me? "He's done that a couple of times in the past, it's not your fault" said Shawn as if reading my mind.

I nodded. "I'll go outside for a bit just in case he's in the garden still" I frowned and got my keys. "If my father asks, tell him I'm reading, he won't question why there's no sight of me" I added and sighed. I got out the door and shut the door. Where are you, you idiot?

* * * * *

I was searching for a long while. That garden was endless, who has time for this? I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes. "Where are you god damnit?" I groaned to myself. "Here..." responded quietly a familiar voice. I froze. God? Is that you? I shook my head. What is wrong with me? I'm going mad! "I've been here the whole day, no one cared enough to notice I was gone though" Am I hearing voices? There was no one there! "Where the hell are you?" I asked and frowned confused.

The bushes shuffled and then Eithan's head rose slowly, his golden hair had leaves in them and his eyes... These eyes that drowned anyone who dared to look into them were foggy, cloudy. He was looking down and his red and puffy lower-lashlines indication enough that he'd been crying. I frowned because I couldn't find anything appropriate to say.

He sighed "I'm sorry about your room". Neither of us were moving an inch and to all appearances we were barely breathing. But someone had to break the silence soon as the seconds were stretching more and more, each one feeling like an eternity. "Why did you freak out about the notebook?" I finally asked. "Because I felt the need to write in it" He blushed softly. I nodded and looked at him up and down, making sure he was okay, but his feet werent visible. "Come" He said and glanced at the spot where he was standing. I moved to him cautiously and glanced inside the circular area surrounded by trees. Why is a small circle in the woods interesting enough to stay a whole day?

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