Chapter Eight

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I couldn't believe it; I was standing there, reading this piece of paper with tears streaming down my face. This crumbled sheet had just ruined everything I ever believed as it wrote with big black letters,

"CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION of Olivia Megan Swatton"

I was petrified, What kind of a sick joke is this? I wiped my eyes and reread it for the millionth time. My dad's signature was clear and another signature was next to his which was not familiar to me. My hands were shaking and my head was blank, all I could think of was; Why didn't he ever tell me?

He would come home at any moment, how am I supposed to talk or even look at him? This was way more than I could handle. I felt myself pant slightly as I could see the four walls of my room come closer to me, the room was getting smaller and my vision was getting blurry. I shook my head violently and stood up, crumpling the paper into a little ball. I put it in my pocket and wiped my eyes, I had to get out...

I grabbed my phone, switched it off and put it in my back pocket. I glanced at the digital clock over my bed and sighed, 13:26 were the numbers that shone in the dimly lit bedroom that once seemed one of the cosiest places in the world. I took my black jacket and put it on, having a strange feeling building up in my stomach.

I opened my white bedroom door carefully trying to be as silent as i could and when I made sure that no one was there I got out, closing it behind me. The corridor had a deathly silence spreading in it, my heavy breathing almost echoing. I closed my eyes and tried to even out my breaths when I heard a weird scratching sound. I froze and held my breath, my imagination running rampant.

The noise was drawing nearer and for some reason, I was screwed to my spot. What could possibly be? Ghosts and monsters aren't real right?... RIGHT?! I was about to scream on the top of my lungs when white fluff walking came around the corner. Cotton approached me and after licking my leg she parted her mouth, sticking her tongue out as she started to pant cutely. I sighed in relief, pet her head softly and proceeded to go down the corridor.

I felt sad that I had to leave her but I walked quickly to the front door. I took a big breath and opened it as slowly as possible but for a split second I hesitated, Should I be doing this? They will be worried... but still, I can't deal with this right now, I need time to think. I took a big breath and walked out, closing the door behind me once more. There was no turning back I thought and the strange feeling of a déjà vu filled my brain.

I stood still for a few seconds because I was trying to remember Eithan's hideout. Dang, it! Where the hell was it? Was it left and then right following the stony path or right and then left?.. I counted my breaths with my eyes closed in order to calm down. I opened my eyes slowly and looked ahead and for some weird reason, everything was clearer now.

I followed the stony path till the end then turned left at the small aloe bush. I was walking quickly yet hesitantly. I slowed down my pace, bringing back the thought of the letter.

Is that why I have no mum? And if I do have a foster mum, where is she? And if I never had a foster mum, where's my biological one? I had so many questions that needed to be answered and they were multiplying by the second. Why did he keep it a secret? Does anyone else know? Are my real parents, good people? My mind was flooding and I knew at some point id explode.

I looked up and glanced around. I was relieved to see the entrance of Eithan's hideout and walked towards it. As I stepped over the low bushes and pressed my foot against the soft grass I let out a small puff of air as if all my worries were somehow lighter.

I lay down on the grass and looked at the sky. Even though it was cloudy the relaxing glow was still there. I closed my eyes and tears started falling down the sides of my face again, I was tired, emotionally and physically...

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