Chapter Seven

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I examined the strange-looking envelope, it looked old, as if it had been through a lot. My gut seemed to pick up on the bad omen inside, filling me with a feeling of dread. I didn't open it, the little voice in the back of my head was telling me not to. I quickly put it in my drawer and went to sleep with my heart sunken. I was turning and sighing thinking about it, I felt as if it was attracting me like a powerful magnet.

I decided to change my train of thought so I shook my head violently in an attempt to do so... and then I remembered, Why was Noah so weird? I kept replaying the look he had given me, he looked hurt but he hid it with all his might. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but the moment I did the glowing sky appeared. Instantly that same relaxing sensation warmed my body and I let out puff of air. As I inhaled, memories from that afternoon started flooding my brain and then everything stopped, I had at that moment realized, I kissed him! I can't believe that I'm the one who kissed him. After all he's done! I must remember wrong, it can't be, this is impossible!

I blushed deeply and I suddenly felt as if I was boiling under my blanket. I remembered the taste of his lips, the sweet smell of cinnamon and the electricity that was passing through my skin after every touch. NO! NO! NO! Sleep Olivia! You are just tired!

I turned again and buried my head in my pillow; hoping sleep would turn off my mind soon.

* * * * *

I woke up exhausted, I wasn't even in the mood to get out of bed. I had to though, our parents were in town to run some errands, Shawn was training all day long, Harry was at his girlfriend's house and Mylo had taken Lando at a birthday party. I knew it'd be a long day the second I got out of bed...

I got dressed and sleepily walked down the stairs. Noah was there. "Morning" I said and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning" he replied quietly. I frowned and went to the kitchen, pouring some coffee into a small mug. I took it and went to sit next to him, putting it on the glass table in front of me. "Tell me, what's eating you?" He tensed up, I could tell. "I'm not sure if I should be telling you this..." he said, still not making eye contact. "I won't tell anyone" I promised and smiled warmly.

He looked as if he was fighting himself, his eyes had a weird flame burning inside of them and it was obvious that it was growing larger. "We've never mentioned our father... have we Oli?" he said slowly as if he was trying to keep his cool. "No, nobody has told me about him, did something happen to him?" I said in a worried tone. He shook his head as a response and I could swear I saw him mouth the words 'I wish'. I placed my palm on his shoulder and rubbed it calmingly "Please tell me" I looked at him in the eyes. He had the same eyes as Eithan did, just as entrancing but darker.

He looked back at me and sighed. "Our parents' divorce wasn't pleasant, it happened a few months after Lando was born" he started and broke our eye contact. "Shawn was 12 and we were only 8" he added. "Why did your parents get a divorce?" I whispered. He smiled sadly and fumed. "Our mother was happy, she loved us to death... Our father, after each child, was getting more and more disappointed you see. His mother, who by the way we never got to meet, before she died she told him that the only way her soul would be able to rest in peace would be for him to have at least one daughter" he said and scrunched up his face. "But that's--" "Crazy, I know... she had lost it a bit during the last few months" he said and shook his head. "Anyways, the thing is, as you have understood by now... none of us is a girl" he let out a sad chuckle. "So one day he just left and sent mum the divorce papers" I was shocked; I couldn't find anything appropriate to say. "Oh my, I'm really sorry I asked, I shouldn't have" I looked at him. "He wrote us a letter saying that he's happy with his new wife, Audrey and two daughters, Sandy and Mavis" He took a big breath and sighed. I couldn't say anything, I was speechless. What kind of a person does that? "Noah, I.. I'm sorry" he fumed softly and smiled "Don't beat yourself up about it, it's an old story" I nodded and sighed.

"And where did the others go," I asked. He chuckled sarcastically and locked his fingers behind his head. "Eithan and James went to meet him" I felt my mouth gape slightly "Wh-what? What do you mean?" "He came here Oli, this morning, and because we didn't want to involve you they went to the park" he said and poked my cheek. "I stayed behind in case you woke up" he smiled softly. I smiled back this time concealing my sadness and nodded "Thank you" I said and stood up.

I headed to my room, not knowing what else to do. I was thinking everything that he told me over and over, what kind of a person was their father? I wonder what he looked like, did he look like Shawn? The ease Noah was talking about him was strange... he had a coldness in his voice however I could hear a hint of admiration in the depths of it. I wonder how he treated his sons, was he treating them with affection? Or did he resent them, believing they were mistakes? I had so many questions, what could drive a man to abandon his children just because they weren't the gender of his preference..?

I sighed and sat on my desk not being able to take my mind off of that thought. I leaned forward and banged my forehead on the flat surface lightly. Why does it bother me so much? I sighed again, this time louder. I worry about them, I want them to be happy and this man is doing the opposite. Have I become so fond of them already? I might have... I smiled softly and stretched my arms up in the air, hearing the satisfying crack of my elbows.

I looked at our family picture from the wedding and for a second there I though that it was perfect... I smiled warmly and stood up, walked to my bed and lay down.

Suddenly I felt that strange magnetic force calling me from my bedside table. I had to open that letter, the urge was unbearable.. But the little angel in the back of my mind was still claiming it was a bad idea... I opened my drawer, grabbing the letter cautiously. I ripped it open carefully and frowned seeing only a small sheet of paper inside. I took it out and unfolded it.

I started reading and my lips parted as a small gasp escaped my mouth. "What the...". What is this? My eyes were watering and my breath started to quicken. There's no way he would do that.. Why?

* * * * *

Heyy... sorry for this ending, I wanted to include the information of the letter but the chapter would've been too long. Now it's a bit small but I prefer to make a whole new chapter about it 😊 Hope you enjoy it ❤️

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