Chapter Ten

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We returned home after school and Noah was still snickering at James. I and Emma were talking about Cotton and how adorable she was and how much she was dying to meet her.

We dumped our school bags and headed upstairs to my room. As we walked down the hallway Eithan was exiting his room and he seemed like he had just woken up. When he spotted Emma he flashed a breathtaking smile and his eyes lightened up. "Emma?!" He walked to us quickly and hugged her, squeezing her tightly in his toned arms. She giggled and hugged back just as tightly. "Hey!"

I stood there dumbfounded 'What's happening? I knew they knew each other but this...?' I felt an unpleasant tingle in the pit of my stomach as I was looking at them laughing and smiling. He ruffled her hair, his bright smile not fading. It felt so strange, I just wanted her to get away. 'Am I jealous?' I shook my head slightly. 'No, this can't be'. "Yeah, we're gonna go," I said and grabbed her hand gently, pulling her into the room. I glared at him and closed the door but I swear I saw him smirk.

* * * * *

We had heard a lot of doors open and close. Everyone must've returned home by then. I smiled and looked at the schedule as Emma was talking.
*Shawn: Practice till 8 pm

*Harry: Girlfriend till 6:30 pm

*Mylo: College program till 6:15 pm

*(x3) : Home by 1:40pm

*Lando: School till 11am/ play-date: 1:30pm- 4:30pm

*Mum & Dad: Home by 2pm & Home by 12:30pm

Currently, the time was 2:46 pm and we could hear Elynn cooking lunch downstairs.

After about ten minutes we heard Elynn's voice calling us for lunch and I turned to Emma "Would you like to have lunch with us?" I asked and smiled warmly. She seemed really happy about it and she nodded enthusiastically "Sure do!"

I put my hoodie on and walked to the kitchen. "Hello Emma, haven't seen you in forever" said Elynn happily and smiled. Emma smiled wide and nodded "Hello Mrs Marsen, good to see you". Elynn came to me and kissed the top of my head. "Lunch is served, I have to go back to the office though." She said and picked up her purse, sighing inwards. "Your father is working in the library room, he will eat later" she added and I nodded with a smile as a response. "Okay, see you later" "Bye mum" said Noah as he and the other two were walking down the stairs. Elynn waved and left.

I looked at Emma and smiled "Hungry?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Starving" she giggled and followed me. James was avoiding eye contact with everyone but still took any chance he got to look at Emma.

Emma kept asking if I needed help and I kept telling her I was only going to pour some water for all of us. In the end, I just gave her two glasses to take to the table. James stood up and walked to her. "I'll take them" he said and grabbed the glasses from her hands a little too eagerly, stumbling to the table. He was awkward when he sat back down and Emma just seemed confused. As I took two glasses to the table and Emma brought the last one I heard Noah whisper 'What is wrong with you?' and his response was a simple 'No idea..'. I sighed and chuckled slightly under my breath.

Eithan approached the table and somewhat moved Emma's seat for her to sit down. 'The fuck..?'. I frowned but quickly fixed my expression. James, on the other hand, was fuming angrily. "Thank's" giggled Emma and drank some water.

* * * * *

After lunch we went to my room again, talking and laughing about anime. I couldn't believe how much we had in common. "Okay, I should get going now" she said and smiled softly. I nodded "Okay then, I'll help you out" I smiled back and picked up her bag.

When I did so, her wallet accidentally fell out. I sighed and picked it up. When I looked at it I saw a picture of her and a boy. I smiled and smirked at her. "Is that your boyfriend?" I asked teasingly. She turned to me confused and saw the wallet in my hands. She frowned and grabbed it back. "Don't you ever ask for permission?" She quickly shoved it into her back pocket.

I frowned slightly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy, are you okay?" I walked closer to her. Her eyes were watery and she looked broken. "What's the matter?" I stroked her shoulder. "He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother... He Was my brother" she looked down sadly. "Emma I'm so sorry, I never meant to--" "No, no it's fine, you couldn't have known" she sighed and sniffled.

I noticed a few tears running down her cheeks, and I started freaking out. I kept my cool and wiped her eyes. "Please don't cry, I didn't want to hurt you" she nodded. "Would like to hear about him?" She sniffled cutely. I sighed and smiled softly. "Of course I would"

She took a big breath and sat down on my bed. "His name was Eli, he died 3 years ago, he was 16" I frowned and looked at her with sympathy. "How did he pass?" I whispered. "He shot himself" she said just as quietly. I gasped silently and stroked her shoulder again. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" she nodded.

"My mum found him in his bed with the gun in his hands, he had left us a note" she wiped her tears. "At school, his life was a living hell, he was being beaten by some neanderthals because he was gay" she was sobbing at this point and her cheeks were bright red. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. "It was unfair he left so soon" I whispered in her ear softly.

I could tell she wasn't done, she had more weight to get rid of. "After he died, I wasn't eating, I stopped hanging out with people, I was alone by choice" she continued with a creaky voice. "I was diagnosed with anorexia and depression and I was hospitalized for months. It worked but not for long. When its effects started fading I started self-harming and..." she looks down and ran her pointer finger on her thigh.

"I thought I was lost for good but then I met Noah, James and Eithan" she smiled weakly. "They helped me smile again, they helped me stand up on my feet and gave me courage" I felt bad. Not only for what had happened to her but also about the fact that I got jealous. Those people were like family, brothers, to her and I got jealous because she hugged him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all those horrible things, I wish I could turn back time but what I will try to do is make you smile all day every day. Isn't that what friends do?" I smiled softly and wiped her eyes. She smiled and nodded, hugging me tightly. "Thank you Liv" I hugged back and I froze for a split second. Oliver was the only person who had ever called me Liv...

* * * * *

Eithan's P.O.V
(Night after Emma's visit)

I sighed and lay down. That day had gone smoothly and I was so happy to see Emma. She actually seemed okay, genuinely okay. I smiled and turned to the side.

'Why was Oli behaving like that? I just hugged her and pulled her chair back' I thought to myself. 'Wait a minute. Is she...jealous?' I smiled wide. 'Oh god, I actually have a chance!' I sat up, smiling wide. "YES!" I shouted and I heard a groan from the room next to me. After a second I heard banging on the wall "Its 1 am you, idiot, go to sleep!" Said James sleepily.

I chuckled, not caring about him and thought about it again. I smirked to myself. "Of course I have chances, who could resist me?' I lay down again with an idiotic smirk on my face but I couldn't even kid myself, my face was red at even thinking of it.

* * * * *

Thank you so much for reading☺️ I hope you weren't too depressed about that 😅 I will try to update this week but I really doubt I will have time till the 9th, school sucks😓


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