Chapter Nine

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I woke up to my alarm. It was beeping like crazy and my nerves were on edge. I groaned and looked at it and as I was about to press snooze for the 12th time I looked at the message on my screen First day of school. 'SHIT! It's 7:05!'

I jumped out of bed and quickly went to brush my teeth. I had to be ready at 7:20 to catch the bus with the triplets. I wore my new pair of black jeans and one of my favourite blue T-shirts. I smiled when I looked at it in the mirror, it always reminds me of the triplets' eyes. I wore my black converse shoes and then glanced at the brush. 'Do I dare to brush my hair?' Brushes are my worst enemy since I have curly hair. 'No Olivia, you'll be late!' I thought and put my brown locks up in a high ponytail.

I heard a knock on my door when I was putting on some perfume. "I'm ready" I said and picked up my bag, opening the door. Noah and James were standing there smiling. James had put some hair gel in his dirty blonde hair and it was proudly sitting up while Noah's dark brown locks were covering his forehead and almost his eyes, his glasses were preventing his bangs to fall in his eyes. "Ready to go?" asked James happily but sleepily and I nodded with a small chuckle.

We walked to the door and as I took my keys it suddenly dawned on me. "Where's Eithan?" I asked trying to sound casual. Noah looked at me and smiled "He never shows up the first day, it's like a tradition" James snickered and nodded. We opened the door and Elynn stumbled down the stairs smiling. "I thought I missed you and you had left" she sighed and approached us. "Have a good first day, take care of Olivia, show her around. Take some money for lunch, don't get into trouble--" "Mum, mum... We'll be back in like 4-5 hours at most" Noah sighed and chuckled softly. She nodded and smiled in response. "Take care" she repeated as we closed the door.

We reached the bus stop at the last minute and we got in. It was packed and noisy. I was scared yet excited to meet new people. As we walked in all the seats were taken so we had to stand. James and Noah held the hanging straps and for some reason, they put me in the middle. My face was approximately at their neck and I was facing Noah. It was awkward but I waited patiently.

The bus stopped and almost everyone walked out of it, it wasn't even a school bus. I smiled and walked out with the loud crowd of people while Noah and James walked with me. "How are you feeling?" asked James while stretching. "Okay so far" I replied and smiled warmly, Noah seemed to be thinking and I didn't want to disturb him.

About 20 minutes later the bell rang and we headed to class. I followed them closely because I knew I'd get lost if I didn't. As we walked into the bright classroom, Noah poked my arm "Would you like one of us to sit with you?" he asked quietly. I shook my head negatively and smiled softly "I'll be alright, you sit together" I said and sat on the desk right in front of them.

The class started to fill in and nobody came to sit next to me, everyone had their pairs and friends. To be completely honest not only did I not mind, I was actually somewhat glad. Our teacher came and he closed the door behind him. A short middle-aged man with bright yellow glassed came and sat in front of the whiteboard. He took his marker and wrote down Mr Burke. He turned to us and smiled with a small sigh.

"Class, welcome to year 13. I hope we will be able to cooperate efficiently this year" he said and looked at the catalogue, starting to take presences. Noah and James were before me and my name was drawing nearer. "Emma Shepherd?" he looked up confused. No one answered. He sighed as if knowing what was going on.

Suddenly the door flew open and a small figured girl with bright hazel eyes and short sandy blonde hair came in panting. She had been running and her freckled cheeks were pink. "Hello Emma, take a seat" said the teacher and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry sir, this won't happen again" she said with her high pitched voice.

"We both know that's a lie Emma" he said and rolled his eyes once more, turning to the catalogue again. "Olivia Swatton?" he said and looked up, clearly finding my name unfamiliar. The whole class stared at me when I raised my hand and I felt the heat on my cheeks rise. He nodded, giving me a welcoming smile, and continued naming the rest of the children.

Emma smiled wide and her big eyes sparkled as she approached and sat next to me. "Hey!" she said and batted her long eyelashes. I smiled softly "Hello". She giggled and turned to the desk behind us, where the twins were. "Hey guys, how are you? How's Eithan? Still not coming?" She smiled cutely and then glanced at James. He was blushing. 'Don't tell me... Oh my god, he totally does! He likes Emma!' I smiled wide at him and winked as she wasn't looking at me. He blushed deeper and mouthed Idiot, it's not like that.. I nodded Sure.. I mouthed back.

She turned to me again, smiling wide and I smiled back, feeling a little awkward. She was adorable and she puffed her cheeks, waiting for me to speak. "Uhm.. how did you meet my brothers?" I asked. "YOU'RE SIBLINGS?!" She squealed and the teacher cleared his throat annoyedly. Emma nodded and I blushed, 'Great, I just got yelled on my first day at school'. Emma's eyes were burning with curiosity. "Yeah, we're step-siblings" I whispered and smiled. She was about to reply excitedly but I hushed at her playfully. She nodded and giggled and I saw James at the corner of my eyes blush a little, so adorable...
* * * * *
The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom. I followed the twins and Emma followed Me. She seemed nice, she might actually become my first friend here.

She came up to me, with her shoulder-length hair waving softly in the quiet breeze. She was smiling wide and I smiled back, her happiness was rather infectious. "So is it amazingly amazing having 7 brothers?" She giggled. I glanced at the twins and they were looking at me curiously. "It's tolerable" I chuckled softly and they pouted slightly, making it hilarious as they took the same expression.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked and smiled warmly but I saw the twins' expression change into distress. I frowned in confusion as her friendly and childlike smile faded slowly. "Uhm... I do..did" she smiled awkwardly and her gaze shifted to the ground. 'What? Oh my god, what have I done?' I blinked quickly and blushed slightly. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to--" she shook her head negatively and moved her hands as well to show me there was no problem. "No biggie, there's no way you could've known" she smiled warmly but her voice was a bit creaky, I felt horrible but for no reason would I continue talking about it so I simply nodded and gave her a small smile.

Noah and James left and boy was I glad about that. I had all the freedom to talk to her openly and build things slowly. All I could think was 'Dang, she's so innocent' and I giggled quietly at the thought. She kept talking about how much she had travelled and her bright hazel eyes would light up every time the topic changed. She was such a happy person but I had the feeling it wasn't always like that. I was trying to shake the feeling off but it was like a little bug in my stomach.

The bell rang for a third time that day and I smiled, glad my first day went so well but also glad it was over. I turned to her and smiled warmly. "Would you like to come over?" She nodded joyfully. "Y-you're coming to our house?" James said and he cleared his throat. Noah looked away and tried to contain his laughter. She nodded but blushed. "Is that okay? I won't if I'll bother you or your parents--" "No!" He shouted almost and everyone stared at him. I cleared my throat to get their attention. "You're not a bother, promise. Our parents are at work anyways" I smiled and she nodded happily. "Okay then"

Noah pushed James forward laughing and James was a blushing mess at this point. I was trying to hold myself back and not burst out laughing so I swallowed it and walked next to her, continuing to talk about random things.
* * * * *

Aww James has a crush 😂😍 I have no idea how I'll develop it but I'd be happy to receive some of your suggestions😋 Also I have a feeling the chapter is a bit small but I didn't know what else to write🤔


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