[12] Lit Ablaze

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[Austin POV]

Smiling, I pulled McJones in for an embrace

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Smiling, I pulled McJones in for an embrace. My back hurt tremendously as he tightly hugged me, but I didn't mind... it's all my fault for making all of them going through hell. By the looks of it they did go through hell - cuts and bruises everywhere, burnt clothing, broken armour and pain ridden faces...

"I thought you died Austin... blood... poison..." McJones muttered softly.

Honestly I also would've assumed anybody in that state was good as dead... the state I was in when I recovered was astonishing. Blood stained my clothing and poison hurt every limb...

"Wait... Austin's ALIVE?! WHERE?" Jeff pushed Ray to the side, eyes glimmering with innocence.

McJones face-palmed and Ray chuckled on the floor. Ah... Jeff.
I untied the mask ( I used to not eat any more dust than I need to) covering my chin and Jeff gasped.

"OH MY GOD MR MASK MAN IS AUSTIN?! THIS IS SO META!!!!!" He screamed, arms flailing.

"Holy crap, your back..." Ray followed up, noticing the blackening mark where my wound used to be.

"I had sear my wounds shut with a torch to prevent myself from bleeding out." I said, trying not to boast.
But I DID almost black out from the pain, but I kept stubbornly fighting to survive. (Anime References FTW!)
"The poison was a matter of waiting it out! I guess we're all gonna survive the nether after all!"

Suddenly, they all stopped chattering happily and looked down to the netherack floor.
Wait wait wait...
One, two, three, four...
One, two, three... four...

"Where is Dean?!" I finally asked, realizing what was wrong.

Miserably putting his hand up, Ray grimaced as if he was about to be hit.
"I-I-I was digging alongside Jeff and Dean... when lava... came out... there was... I had no time..." he sighed, raised his head and looked at me directly.
"I accidentally killed Dean with lava."

A surge of confused, anger and immense depression rushed through my veins along with adrenaline.
Killed by one of our own...

I'm the one to talk.
I killed someone before too... even purposefully...
Not to mention I also accidentally killed Dean once, but in another dimension. But we don't talk about it since immediately after I was replaced by a penguin that I owned. Long story not worth explaining...
Either way Ray is not evil intentioned - he deserves more than one chance.

"S'all right Ray... Just keep your head high and watch out for more danger." I said finally, after my blood settled.

He sniffled and smiled back.

"Look it's great and all that we're getting along - but we need to find a way out of Austin's shack."
McJones interrupted.

He was right. We were basically trapped in this shack with the constant threat of pigmen breaking in and massacring us.
"I got it!" Jeff piped up.

We all looked at him... any idea is a good one at this point. We huddled around Jeff awaiting for his plan- hopefully a truest ingenious one that will lead us all to victory.

[Dramatic buildup sound]

"BWACKETSSS!!!" He screamed suddenly out of nowhere, pulling out his trademark dented bucket.

I think we all thought the same thing but only Ray had the courtesy to slap him across his face. McJones delighted in hurling the dented bucket out a hole in the shack, where it directly hit pigmen and knocked it out cold. The others looked more pissed than ever and started peering through the hole with blood shot eyes.
We all realized what we should do at this point, all 'cept Jeff, who was crying in the darkest corner. I walked to the hole, slaughtering all the pigmen carelessly through the hole with my diamond sword.

It took FOREVER, but we finally cleared all the ones that resided around our little shack. We snuck out shortly after and managed to end back into the dark damp fortress with higher morale than ever.
Again, with the exception of Jeff (we literally had to drag him away) who still crying over his now non existent bucket.

We rushed to the spawner, hoping to find a couple of blazes with rods for the taking.

Oh shiiiiiiii--

Well we did find blazes; hundreds of them swarming the spawner with an extremely aggravated expression on their skull like face.
We madly dashed away trying to avoid the hundreds - no, thousands of blaze rods that flew our way. Jeff finally stopped wallowing and began screaming in fear, basically the same except his feet are moving.

Rods scraped past my thighs and cheeks, my back beginning to cramp from the damage sustained from before. My legs were tired and I could see both Ray and McJones breathing heavier than ever.

We came to an intersection.

We couldn't manage to communicate over our exasperated expression, so we accidentally split into several different paths. McJones and Jeff ran to the right while me and Ray stumbled to the left. Ray for some absurd reason had a full sized door in his inventory, which he placed down.

"Wait... where's... where's Jeff and McJones...?" Ray asked, heavily breathing.

I opened the door slowly to see what was going on...
The blazes went off the path finally, but they all hung over the bridge like overseers to a nasty game. McJones and Jeff stared at us from across the long path with fear behind their tired eyes.

"SHOOT THEM!" I yelled.

McJones quickly pulled out his bow - shot at a couple with low accuracy. Then after about twenty or so shots he yelled back,
"IM ALL OUT!" His voice quivering a little.

There was no other way... the only chance they got is to:
"SPRINT AND DONT STOP!" I yelled from within our temporary base.

Jeff looked at McJones reluctantly...

McJones nodded back at the uncertain Jeff and began madly running.

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