A tale of two Night Fury's: Toothless and Shadow

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Toothless's P.O.V 

I awoke early in the morning, today was the day the I would be leaving. I went over to Hiccup and nuzzeled him. 

"Hey Bud" murmed Hiccup.

"Get up" I growled, licking his face. 

"Are we going for a morning flight?" said Hiccup scratching his head as he sat up. 

"Yes" I said happily, though he didn't understand my tongue he got the idea. 

"And then we have training with the others and then Astrid and I are going to decorate the hall." he said getting out of bed. 

I stared sorrowfully at him as he remebered. 

"Oh" he sighed. "Well we can still go for a fly right?"

I walked off to the door Hiccup following me, he picked up my saddle from the floor were he had chucked it last night. 

"Come on Toothless, let's enjoy it while we can." he said sadly. 

2 hours later.

"Steer cleare of any outcast ships Toothless." Hiccup said smiling as he held my face. 

"I will" I growled back. 

Hiccup had already attached my tail that allowed me to fly without him. We had met with the other dragons the majority of whom were already flying off into the distance. I licked Hiccup once more and jumped into the air. 

"Good luck!" I heard him shout. 

"I'm going to need more that luck" I said beating my strong wings away from home, away from Hiccup.

I flew over Outcast Island, staying high above it out of sight. If anyone saw me it probably woudn't matter, I was faster without Hiccup I could easily get away. But if anyone saw me and decided to follow me thinking I had Hiccup with me and I didn't realise then I would lead them straight to an island full of dragons. 

I flew over the outcast buildings and over the forest. I stopped in midair, hovering, as I heard a distressed roar. A Night fury roar.


Hi everyone:)

This is my second HTTYD fanfic hope you all like it:)

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It doesn't really make that much sense if you haven't read my first book: Love in The Time of Dragon Riders. Please go check it out!



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