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Angel POV

I enjoyed my night with Hakeem last night, I loved every single moment of it. I walked into empire with a grin on my face. I head into the recording room seeing Jamal & Hakeem  singing 'Your So Beautiful'. I nodded my head to the beat. I guess this is for the white party coming up. I saw Hakeem stare at me as he rapped.

Jamal: *sings* You're so beautiful

Hakeem: Shake it shake it

Jamal: *removes his headphones* Hey Ang *smiles* Wanna come sing with us

Me: sure

I walk in the booth with them and grab a pair of headphones of the stand and put them on

Me & Jamal: *sings* You're so beautiful

Hakeem: Shake it shake it

Me: *sings* Give the world a show

Hakeem: Go up down up down up down

I smiled as I sung with my brothers. I felt good. As I smiled to myself I felt Hakeem put his arms around me.

Me: what? *smiles*

Hakeem: Nothin just thinking about last night *Smiles and kisses me*

I laugh and kiss him back

Me: boy bye! *giggles*

Jamal: Man don't do this in front of me *Laughs*

Hakeem: What you mad? *smirks*

I laugh

Jamal: hell nah *laughs*

We stepped out of the booth and as soon as we did, We saw the FBI run through the halls. The 3 of us looked as they started, going through things. As we watched, Cookie came up to us.

Me: mom what's going on?

Cookie: Look basically someone hacked into Empires system, That's why the FBI is here

Hakeem: Damn

Jamal: Wait where's dad?

Cookie: He's in his office as usual, & Andre went on a damn  business trip so he can't help us

After a few hours of going through everything. The FBI left.

Me: *walks over papers* well damn they just gonna come up here and trash our company and leave don't even clean the shit up

Jamal: Well I'm going to go get a big broom *Walks out*

I start picking up the paper and I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I turn around looking to see Hakeem, But it was just one the new Artists dad signed, Bram.

Me: What the hell is you doing? *pushes his hands off me*

Bram: Chill out little bit I'm not going to bite *Smirks*

Me: Yeah right

I walk out seeing the cops walking towards me with Hakeem in handcuffs and mom and Jamal right behind them

Me: what the hell is going on?! *Walks by them*

Hakeem: Angel go with mom and Mal I'll be ok

I watched as the cops put Hakeem in the car and drive off. I turn to Jamal and mom to look for answers.

Cookie: Basically they found the stuff hacking into Empire on Hakeems phone

Me: Wait that doesn't sound right...I'm going to figure this out

I walk away and go back in the studio and found Bram there holding Hakeems phone. I walk up to him & snatched it out of his grip.

Bram: What...back for more? *Smiles at me*

Me: f*ck no...This is my brothers phone... You set him up

Bram: *smirks* clever girl....but I don't think no one in this whole building is going to believe you princess

Me: first of all, I'm not no damn princess.. and secondly you just got my brother in whole lot of damn mess, That you caused

Bram: And what are you going to do about it, Not a damn thing.

Me: You think that, But you going to learn not to mess with the Lyon family *walks out*

I go to my dads office to tell him Hakeems been set up

Me: Dad...Hakeem didn't hack into the system *stands in front of his desk*

Luscious: Do you know who did? *Looks at me*

Me: Yeah it was your so called new artist

I showed him Hakeems phone and told him about the encounter with Bram

Luscious: Ok we need to tell Cookie to go bail your brother out. And also while they get Hakeem, why don't we pay our pal Bram a visit *Smiles deviously*

I smiled and nodded. I don't know what my dad had in mind, But I know it means that dads going to beat the living crap out of him

What's going to Happen to Bram?

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