Hakeem to the Rescue

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Angel POV

I wake up handcuffed to a bed. I look at my surroundings noticing broken windows, the dirty floor with a little bit of dust, and old machines. I guess I'm in a abandoned warehouse factory or something. I wondered how I got here, because the last thing I remember was going to the restroom. As I try to sit up, I hear footsteps, that's when I really freaking panic. The door opened, and I saw Gram walking up to me.

Gram: Ah you're awake *sits down in front of me*

Me: Wth is wrong with you & why the hell did you bring me here *looks at him sternly*

Gram: Because of what you & you so called damn father Luscious did to me the last time

Me: You just mad because you got your ass beat.. and btw that's your own damn fault

Gram: *smirks* Wow you do have a nasty ass attitude.. But you do have some pretty lips *gently grabbing my chin and tries to kiss me*

I move my head away

Me: Get away from me

Gram viciously grabs my face and to make me look at him

Gram: Look here you little b**ch you are getting on my last nerves

Me: You're such a dick

The next thing I knew I felt a stunning sensation on my face. He slapped me. Gram starts kissing on my neck as I try to move

Hakeem POV

I used the tracking device I put in Angels bracelet to locate her. I pulled up to an abandoned building. Now why the hell would she be here? I heard screaming coming from the building, I quickly run inside. I walk up the stairs and peered over the railing, Looking to see Gram on top of my Angel kissing on her and her squirming under him. My blood started boiling, I looked around and grabbed a crowbar And quietly walked down the steps. I brutally hit Gram in the back of the head with steel crowbar knocking him Unconscious. I quickly undid the cuffs on Angels wrists releasing her. I hugged her tightly and kissed her.

Me: You ok?! he didn't do nothing else to you did he?! *Looking at her*

Angel nodded her head and hugged me tightly.

Angel: I'm ok.. I shouldn't had left your side at the party *Tears forming in her eyes*

Me: Look don't apologize for the BS he's done *nodded towards Gram* alright?

Angel: yeah *hugs me again*

Me: come on let's get out of here

We walk out of the building & drove home. I'm glad that she's ok, It could've been worse if I didn't get there in time. We walk into the condo, & Angel sits on the couch. I sit beside her and hold her.

Me: you ok? *plays in her hair*

Angel: *nods* Yeah I'm ok... Thx for coming for me Keem

Me: Anything for you *smiles*

We kissed and held each other. I'll tell everyone that I found her, but for right now I think we should rest.

Angel: Keem?

Me: Yeah? *looks at her*

Angel: Can we stay home tomorrow? *Looks up at me*

I nod and kiss her. I'll just tell mom and dad what happened. they'll understand. A little while after we fell asleep.

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