Gifts & a date?

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Angel POV

The last few weeks, Hakeem has been trying to reach out to me. I haven't  answered him or replied to his calls nor text messages. I couldn't stay in the same place as him so I decided to stay with Jamal. Ever since I lost the baby and walking in on Hakeem kissing on Laura, I couldn't bear the sight of him. So I just kept my distance from him. I do love Hakeem, but I just need some space right now. I'm sitting on the sofa writing a song, That I haven't even noticed that Jamal came in.

Jamal: Hey you ok? *holding 2 bags and small box*

Me: yeah I'm good...what's with the damn boxes though? *looks at him*

Jamal looks at the boxes and sits them next to me

Jamal: Well as you can see these damn boxes are from Hakeem

Me: for?

Jamal: you *sits in his chair*

I picked the smallest one up first revealing a ring in it. I smiled softly as I examined the ring as I held the ring there was a note in the box. Jamal picked it up and read it.

Jamal: *reads* 'Please accept this promise ring and I promise not to hurt you ever again'. *Looks at me*

Me: Hmm..Idk Jamal *tries on the ring*

Jamal: Let's see what's in the bag then *smiles and hands me the gold and black bag*

I looked and went through the bag and my mouth dropped as I pulled out a two piece dress. the skirt was long and the top was strapless

Jamal: Wow Keem really went all out *smiles at me*

I smiled and look at the dress. *Later* I'm at Empire fixing to record a song as my mom listens.

Cookie: ok Ang ready?

Me: Yes ma'am

My mom starts the song as Hakeem walked in as soon as I started singing

Now ain't nobody perfect but I've (given everything)

Even past the fact that you lied (Look what you did to me)

And lonely nights at home when I cried Baby I cried ,Baby I tried

Even care about what we had (And I wont) Deal with it be your punching bag

(So don't) Compare me to what I think is trash, So Imma take out the trash

Soon as I find out who she is

Who is this chick that you think's all that

Tryna steal you away but I ain't havin' that

I'm a put my foot down on home girl's neck

to make her see that

she ain't got sh*t on me x4

I stared at Hakeem as I sung. He looked a hurt. When I finished, I walked out the booth.

Cookie: girl that was good *Smiles and high fives me*

Me: thank you mama *smiling*

Hakeem: Can I talk to you for a minute?  *Looks at me*

Cookie: I'm going to go check on Jamal and Andre *walks out*

Once mom left I sat on the sofa and Hakeem sat in the rolling chair and came up to me.

Hakeem: Did you like your gifts? *smiles at me*

Me: I did thank you

Hakeem: You're welcome....I was wondering would you like to go out tonight just get away from everything for a while to talk?

Me: Idk Hakeem.. I mean like you hurt me and I don't think I (gco)

Before I could finish my sentence, Hakeem grabbed my hand

Hakeem: Please Ang

I sat there contemplating for a while. aw what the hell

Me: Ok...I'll go, But if you try something (gco)

Hakeem: *holds up hands in defense* I know I know you're going to kick my ass

We laughed and I got up

Me: Ok well I'll see you tonight *smiles softly*

Hakeem: Yeah be ready at 7 and bring a bag

Me: ok *I walk out*

I wonder how this is going to go


What do you thinks going to happen on the date?

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