Payback's a bitch

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Angel POV

as I me and my dad pull into an condo's driveway, I kind of looked skeptical at him. We had dads hitmen with us. I got out of the car and walk up to the door and knocked on it. It didn't take that long for Bram to answer it. He looked me up & down and bit his lip at me because I was wearing  my white crop top and blue jean shorts.

Bram: Well you decided to come apologize for earlier *smiles*

Me: Ha you thought

Bram looked at me and then the hitmen came in and pushed him against the wall. Dad walked in with his friend

Bram: Wtf is y'all fools doing?

Luscious: Well you see you obviously tried to hack into the system at Empire and I don't tolerate that not one damn bit

Me: And you blaming it on my brother is something I don't tolerate

Mr.Smith (Lusciouses friend) : So where is the computer where you did it from?

Bram: I didn't do nothing

I walk over to his computer and turned it on and all the stuff was still up.

Luscious: Wow...You really don't know how to get rid of evidence

Mr.Smith erased everything. And the 2 bodyguards dealt with Bram. All they did was beat him up badly. So this must have happened when dad went after Camilla or worse. After the bodyguards were done, we left. Dad called mom to make sure everything was ok. I guess this the type of things that happen when you really piss dad off. He does was he has to do protect us and make sure we're safe. We got to the jail where Hakeem was. The charges were dropped when dad explained to them what happened. Hakeem came out and ran to him and hugged him.

Me: you ok?

Hakeem: yeah i'm fine *kisses my cheek and hugs me back*

Cookie: Ok y'all let's go

We all went to Lusciouses house and spent the night. This day has been hell of crazy, But I'm just glad Hakeem is ok. I was sitting in my old bedroom watching South Park. Hakeem came out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I looked and bit my lip, Lord please get this boy before I hurt him. I guess I was looking too long, Because Hakeem was calling my name.

Me: *shakes head* what?!

Hakeem: *Smiles* See something you like *flexes his muscles*

I laugh and threw a pillow at him

Me: you wish

Hakeem: You wasn't saying that the other night *smiles*

I covered my face blushing and got on my phone. It wasn't long before Hakeem grabs me by the ankles and pulls me towards him

Hakeem: Don't be quiet now

Me: *giggles*

Hakeem catches my lips in his and we kiss each other passionately. He then started kissing my neck making me moan softly. I gripped his shoulders as he kept kissing me and played with the hem of my pajama shorts. Before Hakeem could continue, Mama Cookie came in. Hakeem quickly got off me and sat beside me.

Hakeem: Damn mom do you ever knock?! *gripping his towel around his waist*

Cookie: I was just coming to tell y'all goodnight and I love you. so goodnight ya little nasties

Me: Goodnight mommy love you too *giggling*

Hakeem: Goodnight

Cookie leaves and Hakeem gets up and locks the bedroom door, As I laughed. Hakeem walks back up to me.

Hakeem: now where were we? *Smiles and lays me down*

Me: *kisses him*

Hakeem: *kisses me back* I love you

Me: I love you too

haha that was funny

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