It's a mad mad world

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AN: Hello everybody!! This is just a little something I had floating around in my head. Not sure if I'll add more chapters at this time though. So for now it will remain a oneshot. 

This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the How to train your dragon world, which is trademarked by DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. and originally written by Cressida Cowell, and I do not claim any ownership over them or make any money from them. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline.  

Thunder clapped ominously and illuminated the laboratory through the large bay windows.

"I've finally done it!!!" A blonde woman, dressed in a white lab coat and wearing black rubber gloves, shouted in glee as she held the vial of purple liquid in the air dramatically.

"Soon no one in the world can stop me!!" She said before letting out an evil laugh as another lightning bolt streaked through the sky.

"Think not evil fiend!!" Was shouted as the door to the laboratory was punched open. The woman whirled around to see the city's defender standing there with his muscles on display in his red spandex suit and white cape. His hands were on his hips as he puffed his chest out.

"You know, you could have just turned the door handle. It wasn't locked." The woman stated as she put the vial on a stand on her research table before coming to stand in front of the hero. "And where are the minions?!" she then screeched.

"Oh those unfortunate souls are down for the count after facing me, the Monstrous Nightmare!!" The hero boldly proclaimed.

"Don't you mean thanks to me Snotlout? You just leaned against the wall filing your nails!" A nasally voice asked as a lanky figure, dressed in black body fitting armor, stepped through the doorway.

"Don't use my name!! You are simply a sidekick Useless!!" was shouted back towards the lanky man. "I am the hero of this city! Also my nails need to look perfect on camera."

"It is frankly a wonder that your over inflated ego managed to get through the door." Was dryly muttered which caused the woman to giggle.

"Well Hello Babe!" Snotlout said as he flexed his muscles. "If you would point us to the nefarious Dr.Hofferson then I shall finish this quickly so that you may gaze more on my awesomeness."


"Will you shut up you useless sidekick! Can't you see that this woman is mesmerized by my manly muscles."

"But I believe she is the Dr.Hofferson we are searching for."

"Pffft." Snotlout huffed. "As if. She is just a woman not some mad scientist."

"EXCUSE ME!!" Was yelled by the woman in the labcoat before punching the hero squarely in the face. "How dare you call me just a WOMAN!!"

"Aaaah" Snotlout yelled as he held his now bleeding nose.

"Dr.Hofferson I presume?" The lanky man asked.

"Dr. Astrid Hofferson." The blond introduced as she eyed the man.

"You may call me Night Fury." The lanky man stated.

"You appear to have a lot more sense than that." Astrid said while jabbing her thumb in Snotlout's direction. "Are you sure you are a sidekick?"

"Unfortunately. Nice punch by the way."

"Stay out of this Useless!!" Snotlout shouted as he lunged for the woman.

Astrid merely stepped out of the way as Snotlout's momentum carried him into a wall.

Astrid heard Night Fury chuckle at the scene. "I wish I could do that during training."

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