Kim Ji Eun Is Back: CH 3 (2)

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This Chapter's Special Member(CSM):

Suho (Kim Jun-myeon )

I hope you guys love this part!! Please Vote and comment! Tell your friends too! I'm trying hard to update as  often as I can but I am getting held up, so bare with me. I will probably not be able to update for a week or two. I'm sincerely sorry, but my schedule isn't very flexible. SO sorry to the faithful readers!!


"Guys, will Jae Eun wake up?" asks Suho quietly. The 12 boys were in front of the hospital bed that you were sleeping on. You looked quiet peaceful, even a few of the boys though so too. They watched you quietly while there was constant beep of the blood pressure and heart rate monitor.

Chanyeol: I really don't know, event he Doctor says so. I really hope she wakes up soon.

Sehun: I kind of already miss her. DO you, guys?

He said as he looked around the room. after a few more minutes of staring and constant beeping noises in the background the sliding door of the hospital room opens. A person comes rushing in. A woman, in her early 20s with well done and natural makeup with their hair in curls that lay neatly on her shoulders and around mid- length came fast walking to the hospital bed. The boys were confused to who she was, they didn't know anything about Jae Eun's Social life or family.

Mysterious Lady: Jae Eun!! Who did this to you! precious Jae Eunie....

She looks at boys who she finally noticed and that they were all staring at her. She wipes her face wit her hands to wipe away her non-stop tears. She clears her throat.

ML: Were...were... you the one who did this to my Jae Eunie? Who are you and what are yo doing here looking at my Jae Eun?

She was becoming more suspicious of the boys, the boys looked at each other worried. They didn't know how to respond until someone found the courage to speak up.

Suho: No ma',m. We are actually her friends and tried to save her.

Kai: The people who did this to her.. Do you want to know?

ML: Yes! I need to know

Kris: I'm sorry to be rude, but, who ARE you?

ML: I'm her older sister. Shouldn't you guys know that since her are apparently friends?

Kai: Well actually...

Kai started to say by D.O who was standing next to him elbows him the rib. Kai let our a small wince from it, but it made him shut up. D.O Steps a little closer to the bed and Jae Eun's sister.

D.O: Sorry, for my friends, they don't have good manners..

He shoots a glare at all of the boys and the boys just smiled to pretend that they were not offended by what D.O said.

D.O: We will leave you two alone for a bit, it was nice meeting you...?

Ji Eun: Oh.. My name is Ji EUn. I guess Jae Eunie hasn't talked about me quite yet, that;s okay. And thank you.

D.O Keeps smiling and looking back at the two girls as he pushed and dragged the boys out of the hospital room. When they were in the hallway, they found enough empty seats for themselves and sat down with a heavy sigh from all of them.

Baekhyun: Just saying, Jae Eun's sister is pretty hot.

He lips curve up into a large grin, making all the other cringe but some of them agreed to it. While the others just kept quite and shook their head at the other who were agreeing. (Weird!)

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