Together: CH 11

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This chapter's featured idol: Victon's Byungchan!!

It took some serious thinking to end this story like this. I hope you guys like it if you want me to change it I can change for a different ending. Please comment and vote! I hope you guys like it!!


Jae Eun's POV

        We were on a rooftop, the view was amazing. I looked out and got lost in my thoughts. The wind was blowing, it blew my hair into my eyes, it blurred my sight for a few seconds. When it finally cleared, I saw him in front of me. He was smiling sweetly, it made my heart pound. I blinked a few times, he came closer. He kisses my cheek gently. My eyes went big from the sudden action, he just smiled wider and gave me his adorable eye smile.

GUY: Hey, what's wrong?

JAE EUN : Oh, nothing. Wae?

GUY: Jae Eun, since you confessed to me... and I kissed your cheek. Is that considered to accepting your confession?

JAE EUN : W-what do you mean by that?

GUY: I accept you, and your confession.

      My heart was about to pound out of my chest!! I can't believe he just confessed/ accepted my confession! But, I'm a little scared... most of the guys that talked me only liked me because of my looks. I know I look pretty (LOL), but I want a real relationship.

I turned to him and gestured  him to  get closer to me. He moved from across of me to next to me. He sat really Ignore close to me. I felt my cheeks burning like crazy. He just smiled, I fell for him even more at that very moment. He put his hands up to my cheeks and squeezed them lightly as if I was a toddler.

GUY:  aigoo, you're so cute. Stop being so cute~~~

Jae Eun: It's not really my fault.... it you who sees it as cute....

GUY: I can't compliment you? Aigoo, aegi ( baby)!! So cute~~

Jae Eun: Stop!

GUY: Stop what?

    He kept teasing me from then on, we giggled sometimes, we just teased each other left and right. If people see us, they will think, " Oh what a cute couple!" or " Ewww, what the heck are they doing?!!? That's just so disgusting, too cutesy."

GUY: We should have pet names... How about I call you aegi?

Jae Eun: What!?!? NO!!!

"Okay okay. Then how about Princess?"

" Still a NO! I don't really like pet names like that. Causes too much attention when we're in public."

"Who says I will use it when we are in public? Why not in the---"

    I had to cut him off right there, I know he is the type of person to think REALLY wrong. But I know he is just teasing me anyways.

"Don't do that!"

" You should call me Oppa, I like that. It has a adorable twist to it but at the sametime, its unquie for everyone  and who says it is different. You know when some people say it, it's SEXY but some are really cute. As if a 5 year old is saying it."

   He looked into my eyes, I had to turned away. I'm way to shy to stuff like this.

Guy: Hey, come one~~~ Look at me, babe?"

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