Chapter 5: Meet the Parents

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The automated taxi arrives at your parents' house and you pay the fare with your thumbprint. You open Angela's door and grab the bags.

"You don't need to carry my bags. I'm fine carrying them." She says.

"No it's fine. I brought you out here."

"Are you sure? You're carrying a lot."

You sigh. "I guess I am. Here. Take one bag."

You hand Angela her rolling bag and she thanks you. You start to walk up to your parents' house, where you see your dad's '69 Chevrolet Camaro in the driveway.

"Your dad is a fan of American muscle cars?" Angela asks.

"Yeah. He fixed that one up himself. Usually he fixes them and sells them again, but he likes the Camaro. He also has a '70 Dodge Challenger in the garage. Of course he has to make them legal, too, but the look doesn't change."

"Maybe you should take me for a ride in one of them."

"Sure. If it's okay with my dad, I'd love to take a drive with you."

You get to the door and ring the doorbell.

"You told them we were coming, right?" Angela asks.

"Nope. I didn't even assure them that I was alive." You say.

"You didn't?!?"

"No. I wanted to surprise them."

"You know that they must be under a lot of stress. Their only child could be dead or missing in their minds."

"Or he could be on their doorstep."

The door opens and you see your father. He looks a bit tired, as if he hasn't slept in a day. He looks at you and can't believe his eyes.

"(Y/n)?" He asks, almost in a whisper.

"Yeah. It's me. Hi dad." You say.

Your dad hugs you. "We were so worried about you." He let's go and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Hey (mother's name). Come to the door. You may want to see this."

Your mom walks to the door and gasps when she sees you. She starts to cry tears of joy (or relief. You're not sure) and hugs you.

"You're alive (y/n). We were so worried you had died in the explosion." Your mom says.

"I almost did. It's thanks to Dr. Ziegler that I'm alive."

"Really? Tell her thank you so much."

"Why should I tell her when you can tell her in person?"

Angela smiles and waves. Your mom goes to her and hugs her, too.

"Thank you so much Dr. Ziegler." she says.

"It was nothing. Your son saved my life, too." Angela says.

"You brought your colleague Dr. Ziegler all the way out here so we could thank her?" Your dad asks.

"Actually she's a bit more than that now." You say.

"What do you mean?"

"We'll explain the whole story later. Something smells good. Are you barbecuing?"

"Yeah. Come in guys. Tell us what happened at dinner."

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