Chapter 15: Restless Night

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Disclaimer: Some adult themes are in this chapter, as well as a ship that I don't necessarily fully support. I don't do ships at all (except Torbjorn turret and Mech), so don't rant about them. I only did it for a joke. You have been warned. Enjoy the chapter.

It had been a few days since Angela had returned and you used her technology for Ana. So far, she did not know about it, and that was good. However, you felt bad. You used her work behind her back, for its unintended purpose. The whole thing felt like an anvil over you. It was weighing you down.

You're laying in bed thinking about this. Even though you have your love next to you, you can't sleep. You're on your back with your hands behind your head, thinking about this. Sure your sleep schedule had changed and you were happy Angela wasn't working at night now, but with this on your mind, you just couldn't doze off as much as you wanted. Should you tell her? What would she say if she knew? Would she still love you afterwards?

You look over to your side and see her. She looked angelic even when sleeping. Some of her blonde hair was covering her face, but she still looked beautiful. Her soft breathing was calming. You wish you could go to sleep as well. You kiss her forehead and look at her before closing your eyes. After a few minutes, you finally get the sleep you wish for.

That sleep doesn't last for more than three hours, the cause being Angela waking up. This wasn't the normal wake up. She bolted upright and threw off the covers, having her hand on her chest and breathing heavily. The sound caused you to wake up as well, wondering what happened.

"Angela what's wrong?" You asked, worried.

She breathes a bit more before she answers. "Es tut mir leid. Ich hatte einen Albtraum. Sorry to wake you."

"It's alright. I wasn't sleeping well anyway."

"Why weren't you sleeping well?"

You sigh and lay on your back. "Well...I don't know. Why don't you tell me about your nightmare? Maybe I'll figure it out while you're telling me."

"Oh. Well, it's only a dream. It's not real."

"It seemed enough to wake you up."

She sighs. "Well, it had to do with a lot of destruction and death. I...I wasn't able to help everyone out. The cause of the deaths were from omnics from the crisis and some of the Talon people. Also, Gabriel was there, helping with the slaughtering. Everyone I cared for was dying, and I couldn't do anything about it. Lena died. Winston died. Reinhardt and McCree were dead. And you died too. Right in my arms."

You hug her. "Don't worry. It was only a dream. This wasn't any foreshadowing of future events, either. Don't get your hopes up, readers. (HA! YOU THOUGHT I FORGOT ABOUT 4TH WALL BREAKS!)"

"Thank you (y/n)." She kisses you. "So, do you know what was troubling you."

You sigh. You might as well tell her now. "Well, okay. It's okay that we don't share secrets with each other, right?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, they're secrets, but we really shouldn't keep too many from each other I suppose. Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Well, I don't want to, but it's something you should know."

"Well, in that case, I have one that you should know too."

"Okay. Well, ladies first."

She giggles. "Nein. You go first. You brought up this whole thing."

"You woke me up."

"Fine. Rock Paper Scissors." You do Rock Paper Scissors. You pick rock and she picks scissors. "Verdammt!" She exclaims and you both laugh.

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