Chapter 25: Dr. Schmidt's secret

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Okay. So this chapter may have some mixed reactions due to a headcannon I have that needs to be written down. I have a theory into some of Mercy's lore that won't be true as, well, you'll find out, but still. It would make sense as to where some of Angela's knowledge comes from and a backstory on her interests in medicine and her technological advancements. Here we go. This can make or break the story, but screw it. It's a fanfiction. Who cares?

No one's POV

A dirty blonde wig and a fake beard rest on the wooden table. Tons of inventions surround the area. Some are boxed up. Others are broken or tossed into the rubbish bin. The place looked like a pigsty, and that was putting it nicely.

The medical scientist known as Dr. Schmidt was packing things away as quickly as he could. He sighed as he put away his Hippocrates head into another box with a bunch of other mementos from another time, sealing it with tape and putting it onto a device that would shrink everything to fit into a suitcase.

His cat, Porsche, was pitching in, too, however that could be. He was pushing things into piles, making it easier for Dr. Schmidt to pack these things. Porsche stops when he comes across a couple of photos. His green eyes stare at the pictures that lay before him, analyzing what they could be. Who were these people? Why did one look so familiar?

"Can you kill me now?" Porsche hears from behind him.

"Not yet. Shut up." Dr. Schmidt says as he puts the thing into an ice chest.

"Master, what are these?" Porsche says.

Dr. Schmidt looks up and sighs, seeing what Porsche found. He picks up one of them, which was a family portrait. It showed him, looking different from now, a blonde woman who looked about his age, and a young girl. He looks at it, slightly smiling and tears fill his eyes a bit. He goes to the next one and it shows a bunch of people together having a great time. He was in his lab coat, not in any disguise at all, laughing with a tall, muscular man. The next photo was of him with that young girl from before, playing with a play doctor kit on a stuffed animal. The last one he was holding was of him with a dove on his finger, petting the dove's head.

"These are old memories, my cat. Times from different lives." Dr. Schmidt then gets a look of focus. "Now is not the time to get reflective. We must pack quickly. They can be here any minute."

He puts the photos into another box along with a bunch of documents and blue prints. Then he grabs his original healing device, a couple of weapons just in case, and a bone saw to put in another box and shrinks those. He gets some disguises and a couple of fake IDs before putting on his round specs and looking in the mirror. He finally saw his real self again. Then he hears talking from outside before one of his traps goes off.

"That won't hold them for long. Come on, Porsche. We've gotta move." Dr. Schmidt says, shrinking the last of his things he can before running outside, Porsche close behind.

Dr. Schmidt jumps onto a motorcycle and puts the suitcase into a compartment he put on it. Porsche sits in the designated sidecar built specifically for him as Dr. Schmidt revs the engine a couple of times and drives off.

"He's not here." One of the intruders says.

"Scheisse. Did anyone get an idea where he may be?" Another one says.

"There's no motorcycle here, sir." A soldier points out.

"He must've fled. Send a search party. He can't be too far." This new voice says. It's Irish. She bends over and grabs a picture that was left behind. It's of Schmidt with the blonde woman that was in the photo mentioned before. "Maybe this can help lead to some answers as to who you really are." She mutters to herself.

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