If Only You

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Vincent's POV

"Hello, Hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night. Uh, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine." 

I've heard these messages at least a thousand times over. But I never get tired of hearing them. The long, exasperating day of working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was slowly coming to an end. I was sitting in the office, lazily kicked back in the swivel chair, my feet propped up on the desk. It was around nine o'clock, the guests who came for a visit today have long been gone, as well as the other employees, well except me, and Scott.

Scott and I have been working here for as long as I can remember. We've been with the company for so long, we've been able to see quite a few things happen over the years, as well as switching locations. I guess when you've worked in a place for so long, you just can't bare to make yourself leave. Well, I guess that would be his reason for staying. But mine's a whole different story. Scott is the manager, as well as a security guard around here. He's in charge if the boss is ever away, making sure all rules and procedures are followed. He records the messages for the nightwatchman, makes the schedules, keeps things running, and is mainly in charge of all things technological here at the pizzeria.

As for me? I'm the head security guard. Scott's right hand man. Nothing goes wrong in the security department without me knowing about it. I've been in the nightwatchman seat for longer than anyone else. I'm responsible for the safety and upkeep of the pizzeria. I keep tabs on the other guards here, as well as other minor things. Whatever Scott doesn't need to worry about...I cover it for him. You could say we're partners in crime. 

Except I'm the only one who's ever committed such a thing.

I was about to hit the replay button on the old style phone that was sitting on the desk, when the man behind the messages himself appeared in the doorway.

"Vincent? You're still here?" He asked, his Urkel like voice bringing a smile to my face.

I looked over at the man in the doorway. He was tall, around 6ft4, slender in build, neatly put together, his shirt tucked in, not a wrinkle on its surface. His short, fluffy black hair juts out in spikes, making it the only messy part about him. He looked back at me, adjusting the square, black rimmed glasses on his face.

"Well, I didn't wanna leave you here by yourself." I said, spinning in my chair to face him.

"I am more than capable of keeping things in line here by myself." He said, putting a hand on his hip.

"I know." I smiled, sitting up in my chair. "I thought we could have some alone time."

I watched as a slight blush crept across his face, as he nervously pretended to scratch his cheek with his finger. I loved seeing him like this. The way he denied his obvious attraction to me. The way he stutters when he's nervous. The way he plays with his tie. The way he smiles, making the whole room light up. He tries to hide it...but he's not very good at it.

"V-Very funny Vincent." He said, adverting is eyes.

"Well," I said, standing up from my chair and stepping toward him, purposely brushing against him as I walked by. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Mnh...w-would it kill ya to show up on time?"

"It might~" I teased, heading into the main dining area, hearing him follow behind me. "But I wouldn't miss out on a chance to see you."

"You see me almost everyday Vincent.." He said, that nervous tone returning to his adorable voice.

"I can't be away from you for too long.." I turned over my shoulder to smile at him. "I might have withdrawals."

I chuckled as he rolled his eyes, giving me that look. That look that could kill. That look that sends chills down my spine each time he makes it...Hell, almost everything he does gives me chills. In a good way of course.

"Goodnight Vincent.." He said, but he couldn't hide the slight smile on his face.

"Goodnight Scottie." I said back, heading out the door and into the parking lot.

It was a bit chilly out tonight, and I rubbed my hands together and shoved them in my pockets. I didn't live far, so the walk wouldn't be bad. But I'd much rather be back in the office, with a certain someone sitting in my lap. I don't exactly know when I started to develop feelings for Scott, we had always been friends. I guess when he allowed me to start teasing him, is when I really fell head over heels..I wonder why he does what he does. He could just stop me and tell me no, but, he doesn't. 

I walked down the street, the moonlight keeping the sidewalk lit up, the puff of frosted air forming around my mouth each time I took a breath. He may not realize it now...but, one day I won't have to just tease him anymore..he'll be mine, and I dare anyone else to try and take him from me. He's precious..a perfect little bundle of everything I want. What I wouldn't give to just kiss him..just one little kiss, if he'd allow me. I wanna hold his hand, take him out, spoil him, hold him, never let him go....and god damn do I wanna fuck him..

I caught myself blushing and had to push the thought away as I walked up the steps to my shitty apartment, pulled out my keys and opened the door. Stepping into the dark room with a sigh, I flicked on the light and dropped my keys down on the table, making my way to my bedroom. There isn't a moment that goes by that he's not on my mind..I'd give that man the world...rip my heart out and put it on a silver platter...

But...he'd never wanna be with someone like me...

Not after what I did....not if he knew who I really was..

I stepped into my bathroom, turning on the light...going over to the sink and staring at my reflection in the mirror. To someone else, they'd see a man..a slightly muscular, toned man. Who's long purple hair draped over his shoulder in a ponytail. His dark features that makes him look intimidating...maybe that's why his uniform was purple. His neatly trimmed facial hair, that covered below his bottom lip, all looking at you with blank white eyes...

But what do I see?

A monster. A despicable human being who shouldn't even be walking this earth...I shouldn't have done what I did all those years ago...but...I can't take it back now...I just hope HE never gets in the way of me and Scott.. 

I sighed once more, leaving the bathroom and stripping myself of the purple uniform I wear. Taking my hair out from the ponytail that tied it back, and slowly climbed into bed. This is the part of the day that I dread the most...laying here..alone with my thoughts...This is why I love to be around Scott...when he's here..I forget about everything...and he just makes all the pain go away...

As soon as my head hit the pillow..it all came rushing back...the voices, the screams, the bloodshed..every night I re-play this nightmare..I closed my eyes tightly and tried to think of him...but I knew it would just be another restless night...

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