Here For You.

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Scott's POV

6 A.M. 

I'm up, showered, teeth brushed, dressed and ready to go. After Vincent left last night I stayed until Mike showed up for the night shift. I will admit, the place got a little lonely after he left. But I had the daily paperwork and other tasks to keep me busy. I turned and made up my bed, straightening out the sheets..looking around my room to make sure everything was in order, before I grabbed my shoulder strap bag and left my room. 

Making my way into the kitchen, I just needed a quick breakfast before work, something simple..maybe some toast? Toast is Vincent's favorite..he'd probably be thrilled if I brought him some. The way he gets excited over toasted bread never fails to amuse me. Sliding some bread in the toaster, making sure to add extra for Vincent, I pushed the lever down and fixed myself some coffee while I waited. 

Today was Tuesday. One of the slower days of the week, but as my coffee started to brew, I pulled out one of my various phones and checked the schedule for this week anyway. Pushing my glasses back up on the brim of my nose, I scanned over the screen, smiling softly as I came across Vincent's name listed under mine. Sometimes I purposely scheduled him and I at the same time. He is quite the character...and he definitely makes the work day interesting...that plus all of his constant teasing. I looked up from my phone as the toast popped up, hot and fresh out of the toaster, along with a steamy mug now full of coffee. Grabbing them both, and my keys from the hook by the door, I headed on my way to work.

You could say that the pizzeria is like a second home for me. I'm here most of the day, and I take pride in getting tasks done, making sure everything is running smoothly. It's just easier to manage that way. I'm normally jam packed with things to do, running back and forth, constantly on the phone, answering customers, taking care of everything, that I'm usually on the verge of pulling my hair out...but, that's where Vincent comes in. I know he's never had it easy...but he's a sweet man. He's always looking out for me...keeping my head level. He and I have been working together for so would feel wrong to go a day without him. I guess he was right about what he said last night...maybe I'll start having withdrawals too if he wasn't around.

"Good morning Scott." Boss greeted me as I entered through the front doors of the pizzeria.

"Good morning sir!" I waved back at him with a smile. "Is Vincent here yet?"

"You know he never shows up on time." He said, giving me a look as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well, you never know with him." I said back, shrugging..trying to hide the slight disappointment in my voice.

"Right you are...anyway, you gonna be able to handle things today? I've got a big conference to attend this afternoon."

"Of course sir! You can count on me." 

Boss gave me a nod before finishing up whatever he was doing, and gave me another wave as he left.

Sweet. This means I'm in charge for today. And this also means that I'm a target for Vincent's teasing. Not that I'm not already a target, but whenever the boss man isn't around to watch us..things get interesting. He likes to tease and poke at me for his own amusement..and I let him have his fun from time to time...but I'd never admit to him that some of the things he says gets my heart racing...if I had a way to describe it, it would most accurately be described as him making me feel like a school girl. He's constantly making me blush, keeping me on my toes...I never know what he's going to do next. But, I like that about him..and I care about him deeply..I know what he's been through..I know what he's done...and the pain that it's caused him over the years. He may not know it, but everything I did was to protect him..

The cover ups I had to come up with, just to keep him out of jail. When this place was under investigation the cops were all over him..accusing him of things that he had no control over. I had to come up with the best alibi I could, and had to make sure to keep my story straight..but it all worked out in the end. 

I pushed the thought away as I walked through the main dining area and started up the animatronics on stage. Some of the other employees were starting to arrive, the servers, cooks and entertainers...and I watched the front door closely, to see if Vincent would eventually come walking through, but...he didn't. The pizzeria started to come to life as the morning progressed, and I headed to the office to get the day started. Sitting down in the swivel chair that he had sat in last night, I scooted up to the desk and sat my bag on its surface, sitting down my coffee and the toast that was wrapped in a napkin.

"Hey Scottie Mc Hottie." 

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice. He had shown up after all..

"You keeping the seat warm for me?" He said, leaning against the frame of the metal doorway.

"Good morning Vincent.." I responded, turning in the chair to face him. "How are you to-...are you alright?" I immediately sprang up from my seat and approached him, he looked like total hell.

The dark circles around his eyes looked even darker than they usually were...he looked tired...not just physically, but mentally..and the way he tried to hide his uneasiness...was making ME feel uneasy. 

"Yeah yeah I'm fine...why, is someone worried about me?" He smiled...but I could tell it was forced.

"You look like you haven't slept.." I said, putting a hand on my hip as I looked at him.

"Well I would have slept better if you would have been there to hold me.."

"W-Well I-.." Ugh..there he goes never fails.

"We could have cuddled down in the sheets...and kept each other warm.." 

"Oh..Vincent, I-I made you some toast." I said, trying to change the subject before the blush on my face got any worse.

" you do think about me." He said, his smile widening as I handed him the slice of crisp bread.

"O-Of course I do.." I said, nervously stroking my tie in between my finger and thumb. "Now, could you please get started on your daily tasks? I have some messages to record..but you know where to find me if you need me."

"Yeah yeah.." He chuckled, taking a bite of his toast. "Anything for you Scottie..~"

I waited patiently for him to walk away before I released the breath I was holding in. Sitting back down in the chair, I waited for my blush to fade...shaking my head to brush off the giddy feeling he had given me. I picked up the phone on the desk and pressed record..

  "Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know... "

It was going to be a long day..

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