Well This Is A First..

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Scott's POV

Another long day. Another shift over...Another frustrated drive home. Making the venture into my pocket for my keys..a bit more exasperating. It's completely shameful. I shouldn't let him get to me this easily..but I just can't say no..

..After the incident in the bathroom earlier today, he started avoiding me. He wouldn't look my way..or even bother to come check on me like he usually did. He didn't eat lunch with me..and quite frank he was no where to be found during the lunch hour we shared. He left early again tonight...leaving me with a few lonely hours to myself. My worry for Vincent kept me anxious..and I couldn't concentrate on my work. Not even my love for recording phone calls could keep my mind off him.

And now, as I stare at the empty road on the drive home...that's exactly where he is. On my mind. I wonder what he's doing now...I wonder if he thinks about me like I think about him. I wonder what goes through his head...I wonder if he knows..

I shouldn't be thinking about such things...but as I pulled into my driveway and turned off the car...I couldn't help but pull in my bottom lip and gently bite down on it.

"The things you do it me Vincent..." I said to myself as I climbed out of the car, making sure to grab my bag before closing the door, and walking over to the entrance of my house.

If he were here right now he'd probably tease me for the blush on my face. Or tell me something he'd like to do to me...or maybe even touch me in places that would send chills up my spine. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I rushed through the front door, and set my bag up on the counter.

If only he were here right now..

It was a struggle to take off my tie..my shirt sticking to my chest from my own body heat. It felt as if it were choking me..and I couldn't help but wonder why I was breathing so heavily. Oh man..if he saw me right now..there's no telling what he would do...and there is a high probability that I wouldn't stop him. There's always been that thought in the back of my mind..that if I actually let Vincent have his way with me..what all would he exactly do? 

My lips parted in a small gasp as I imagined what his lips would feel like against mine..

Why am I thinking about this?! He's my co-worker for crying out loud! Vincent and I have never been anything more than friends..and I honestly don't know if his teasing is just for fun or not, but for some reason it is really getting to me tonight..

I fondled the phone in my pocket...

Should I call him? What would he say? Would he come over if I asked him too? What would we do once he was here..?

Well I guess we'll have to find out..

Pulling out the phone from where it hid in my pocket, I scrolled through my contacts...and took a deep breath before dialing the number on the screen. Only making my chest pound more furiously...forcing me to unbutton my shirt in attempt to cool myself down..

"Hello?" His deep, husky voice answered on the other end..making me bite my lip once more.

"Uh, Hello, hello!" I said nervously, heading into my bedroom, and slowly taking a seat down on my bed. "How you feeling Vincent?"

"Heh..I'm fine Scottie...it's not like you to call me so late..is there something I can do for you?" I could hear the teasing tone in his voice..

"W-Well.." Oh no why did I even call him..this is stupid. "I just wanted to check on you..! You didn't eat lunch with me today." I said in attempt to change the subject.

"I'm sorry Scottie..you missed me..didn't you?"


"Oh...I know what this is about. You want me to come over...don't you..?"

"I never sai-"

"I'll be over in a few~"

I didn't have time to say anything else before the line on the other end went silent. Leaving me to stare at the phone screen with wide eyes..Oh holy jeezus he's on his way over here and I'm a total heated mess! Scrambling out of bed and quickly changing out of my uniform and into something more casual.. feeling my nervousness level shoot through the roof as I made my way into the living room to wait for his arrival. Vincent has never been to my house for nothing other than work reasons. He's come over a few times for a cook out...or a work get together...but there were always other people here...never just me and him...alone...

How does he do it? How does he get under my skin and already know what I'm going to say before I even say it? I guess he just knows me that well...we have known each other for several years..I know a lot about Vincent that other people could never know about. I care about him so much...I'd do anything to make sure he was alright..

A soft knock at the door made my heart skip a beat...the anxiousness in the bottom of my gut rising as I went over to the door...and slowly pulled it open..

"E-Evening Vincent.."

"Hi Scottie Mc Hottie~" 

Here's that feeling again. The feeling I get whenever I look at him...the feeling I get when he's near...When he talks to me...When he says my name...and now..seeing him propped up against the door frame, one hand in his pocket...the way his hair messily fell over his shoulder..I so desperately wanted to pull him into my arms...if he'd want me too..

"What's with the face Scott?" He asked as he stepped inside, walking past me and into the kitchen. "I just got here..and you're already blushing?~"

"I-I am not blushing..!" I said back, slamming the door closed with an annoyed huff.

"Oh really?" He said with a smirk..as he turned back to face me..is hands reaching out and grabbing the belt loops on the front of my pants..pulling me closer to him..

"Well you certainly are now..~"

"I-I..well.." I couldn't look him in the eyes...I could feel his hot breath on my neck as I stared down at the floor.. and it was making everything worse..ten times worse..! This just brings all my fantasies to life..

Vincent's fingers soon found there way below my chin...pulling my face up to look at him..

"Is this why you called me?" He asked softly..cupping my cheek in his hand.

"W-What do you mean?"

Vincent's lips curled up in a smile.

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