Chapter 3

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Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV

Running through the forest as fast I can my beta Hunter flanking my right and  Angel my Gamma flanking the left and 5 other elite fighters bring up the rear.

I put my tracking skills to work, I can make out at least 20 different scents,

these fools must be crazy trying to take us on with only 20 wolves,

this is gonna be a walk in the park.

As we get closer to the scent I see a large grey wolf eyeballing me daring me to take him on,

he must be the leader, all the other wolves are to his left and right forming what looks like an arrow head and I can feel power emanating out from him.

'THE LEADER IS MINE!!! the rest of you go for the rest they're weak I can sense it,

'Pair up and fight back to back now CHARGE!!!'

I hear my fighters howl in obedience and the slaughter starts.

Standing back to back taunting the enemy daring them to take a step closer.

I see Hunter and Blake being circled by 3 feral wolves, one the colour of soot, he's larger than the other two a menacing with a growl erupting from his chest.

Then all at once the three ferrals attack my gamma and other pack member.

But my fighters are to quick and powerful for them, they easily duck and dodge with their own counter attack.

Going for the obvious kill points first.

Hunter is on the big ones back chomping through his fur straight through flesh to crunching bone.

Blake has another on his back and the leg of the other in between his razor sharp teeth, thrashing and crashing about on the ground he tears the limb straight from the rogues body with the other wolf flying of his back smacking straight into the trunk of a tree.

And Hunter finishes him off.

There's are reason why we're called Elite fights and this is why, We're the best of the best.

I ram into my target but he manages to stay on his feet.

He's stronger that I thought and he counters by snapping his huge jaw at my front leg which I manage to dodge.

He starts to circle me bearing his canines and frothing at the mouth,

getting ready to make a move i put all my Weight on my hind legs and pounce through the air opening my jaws and slamming them shut around his neck.

That was to easy to kill a leader (as rogues don't believe in having an alpha or even being in a pack).

But something has been pulling them all together.

Rogues are lone wolves by choice leaving their packs to go it alone, no rules, no pack, no honour.

When the first rogue attacks started I thought it was weird that they were joining together, I never realised there were so many rogues.

Because they're loners they don't know how to fight like a real pack which for us makes them easy pickings.

Somethings going on with these rogues and I've gotta get to the bottom of it before they manage to become a real threat to us.

I feel the wolf in my mouth start to struggle so I stay like that till he stops, dropping his lifeless body to the ground I turn to back to the fight.

There's teeth and claws everywhere and bodies lying on the ground, I lock eyes with a wolf that has made me his target ducking and dodging through the caos I make my way towards him.

Snapping my teeth at his front legs but missing, he gets up on his hind legs and claws at my side and i wince at the pain.

Shaking the pain from my body I tackle him to the ground and deliver the killer blow,

biting a junk out of his abdomen I watch his body as he bleeds out then

I look around and see Hunter standing over the top of a dead rogue and Angel ripping the throat out of another.

The rest of my elite fighters are doing well, a few have injuries but none deadly, I feel pride fill me at the excellence of which I am the leader.

Just then I'm surrounded by 5 rogues so I let my wolf take over,

I turn absolutely feral teeth gnashing  bones and claws ripping flesh, the taste of blood running through my body never stopping until there's no more.

'It's done Aiden'

I hear Hunter say as he catches his breath, but i don't reply I just stand there in a trace-like state staring at the devastation before me.

I feel strange in this moment, numb, like I'm stuck in time.

I don't like the feeling I'm feeling because it's definately not pride anymore or triumph this feeling feels alot like guilt.

I've never seen so many dead bodies before  and I've never felt guilty either I've been taught to not feel anything while killing, I guess it doesn't come that easy to me as it does the others, maybe I'm not cut out to be Alpha after all.

These weren't the first wolves I'd killed and I knew the wouldn't be the last.

The safety of my pack, family and my baby sister depended on me being an effective killer.

'Aiden! Aiden!' Angel yells snapping me out of my trance, 'What now'

'Burn the bodies' is all I manage to reply.

I start to make my way home as I run through the woods I stumbled upon something in a clearing or better yet someone. 'Vi"?

'What the hell are you doing here' I yell as I scan the area looking for any threats.

But all I see is three rogues lying dead on the ground.

'I-I-I did it - I killed them- I'm a mur-der-er' she sobbed in our mind link.

'Why did I have to kill them, I- I-I could've just injured them.'

'It's OK Vi you did what you had to do.'

I nuzzled my head into her shoulder trying to give her some comfort.

Then I saw Sam lying unconcious on the ground a dart sticking out of his leg.

'I I I should've listened to you, I'm so stupid now Im a murderer! and Sam wouldn't have even been hurt if it wasn't for me'.

'I'm sorry, sorry for being stupid enough to think that I wouldn't have to kill anyone, and sorry for being your brat baby sister that you always have to look after and I'm mostly sorry about being the worst best friend and endangering Sam.'

'It's OK Vi, I'm here now and I'll never let anything happen to you I promise'

I manage to slide under Sam and carry him on my back as we leave the clearing all I hear is.

'I'm sorry".

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