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It's been a little over a week since Aiden's surgery, his body's healing slowly but the docs are still saying that his condition is touch and go.

Paris has been here The whole time barely leaving his side at all, she just sits silently holding his hand, worry tracing every part of her now pale zombie like face looking cold and stoic.

She doesn't say much she just sits and waits, and stares into his face longing for him to wake.

I was finally able to get her to eat something the other day, I simply just told her the truth that she needs to be strong, stay strong for him, he needs both of us and he needs us to be strong.

She still hasn't slept yet though which is a bit of a problem the circles around her eyes, getting darker and darker by the second.
What ever the case she's forever vigilant, always watching, always protective over him.

I pray everyday to the moon goddess for a miracle, to wake him up, to bring him back to us but she doesn't listen, hell she doesn't even care, if she did then she wouldn't have  allowed him to find his mate and then let this happen to him? she's a waste of time in my book maybe today will be the last time I even pray to her.

Another thing that's happened is my parents have come back and so they should've, my moms looking worst for wear her tear stained face looking worried and anxious.

Where as my dad has his brave face on as usual, never giving anything away as to how he's really feeling, until him and mom are alone. 

This morning I overheard him telling her how this is all his fault, and that Aiden should never have been burdened with the alpha ship at such a young age, and maybe if he'd waited a few more years their son wouldn't be fighting to stay alive right now.

I have to be honest I sorta agree with him, to a certain extent, I mean how utterly selfish were they, dropping it all on my brother so they could go and relive their honeymoon, but dads  not the enemy, I have to keep reminding myself that.

None of us are, we'll go insane if we keep dwelling on what coulda or shoulda happened, we just need to stop the threat, kill them all before they hurt any one else.
They're gonna to pay for what they've done.

So dads sorta stepped in as alpha again but only temporarily and my mother has made it crystal clear that he is not to join the fight against the rogues, he can help out with training and stuff but he has to leave the fighting to the younger wolves, and much to my surprise he actually agreed to her terms, he's so damn whipped.

Lincoln is here too with his fighters, training everyday, he checks in with Paris every now and again and I can tell that he's really worried about her, but there's nothing he can do, so he just concentrates all his efforts into preparing for the hunt and killing the rogues for good.

Him and Angel will be leaving with the fighters to meet up with the other packs in a few days.

"Hey Paris, how is he this morning", I ask as I walk into my Bros room.
She then turns to me with tired eyes,
"The same".
Sadness encompasses me again as the positive attitude I woke up with this morning is knocked straight out of my chest.

"You know I can sit with him if you need to go take a shower or go somewhere and rest or even just to get some fresh air", I ask.

"No I'm fine", is her only reply.

"Paris, I'm gonna need you to rest you haven't slept in over a week,please".

"I said I'm fine", she snaps back.

"You're not though, you're not fine at all, you need rest you don't have to leave the room you just need to close your eyes and rest, sleep, zone out, catch some zzzz's or whatever you wanna call it".

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