5 / Currant.

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      Call him what you want. A charmer, a prince, a gentleman. All that nice guy description but all he’s ever going to be in my eyes is a liar. 

      People say true love is not real. Well, I used to think that too. That is, until he crash into my life. He had lied to me from the first word he ever spoke to me. None of that matters, anyway. People believed his lies. Not me, though. I never fell for his lies. 

      The eulogy that this people gave about him is so very unsurprisingly not true. No one knew the real him. All they saw was the charmer. He lied to me all his life, everyday I have known him till the day he died. When that maniac stabbed him, he said it does not hurt. Not even a little. He even smiled while his gut was spilling out of him.

      Oh, lies. 

      He said, ‘I’ll wait for you in heaven!’ As he slowly die of blood loss.

      Oh, lies, lies.

      He, himself knew he was going to Hell. He sure as Hell will not be waiting for me. He and his lies. They are inseparable. Lies was his defense mechanism. I knew that. It is mine, too. All these people pretend to know him. None of them really do. Never did know him. I should be the one giving an eulogy. Yet, I doubt people here will understand if I did. He will love my eulogy but the people will think I hate him. 

      True love. He was my true love. We lie to each other, but we can see through each of those lies. We can see truth behind every lies, emotions behind every facade and niceties behind every insult. We never knew how we did that, but we just did. Now he is on the other side. Probably waiting for me, or probably not. 

      He was never good with words. He never have virtues. All he had was flaws and everything wrong. Other people see none of that. They saw him as someone perfect. It is true, then. People with beauty get away with anything. It is in nature. 

      He died in vain. Over some maniac that ran from the mental institute. I never knew someone could look so beautiful and angelic with half their body covered in blood and reek the smell of iron. I never knew someone could be so strong in the brink of their deaths. I never knew he could smile and despair at the same time. 

      He was a liar, but he showed me truth. He still is a liar, but he showed me miracles. I never thought a liar will be the one showing me something so magical. Part of me died along with his lies. I never heard him tell any truth. Any complete truth. There was always a little bit of lies in everything he said. Why?

      Oh, right. So, he would never get hurt. So no one can hurt him. We hurt others because we never want to get hurt ourselves.

      He probably is pacing back and forth on the other side. Waiting for me to come. 

      Well, I better get going, then. 

      I am not entirely sure I will find him, but it is worth a try. I already lose everything. 

      After all, what is there to live for when your other half is gone? Life is only worth living if someone is loving you, is it not?

// Finished; 23 January 2015.

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