Chapter 2: I Am Myself

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*Timeskip 10 years*

10 years of physical torture where his flesh, limbs, organs, body parts was beaten, cut, stabbed, burned, tore apart, impaled with Yamori's toys and experienced Yamori's so called warm up before their playtime which he was forced to counting backwards from 1000 by 7 while all of his toe and finger is cut by Yamori.

10 years of mental torture which he was forced to see many innocent people to be killed by Yamori in front of his very own eyes to drive him crazy.Pregnant mothers, infants, senior citizens, priests, nuns, newlyweds, kids, man, woman, all of them will be Yamori's victims to make Shiro's mind goes insane.

10 years of living with the sound of a live centipede crawling inside his ear.

10 years of hunger and forced only to eat his toes and fingers and also the corpses of Yamori's victims.

10 years of sadness because he has been lied and doesn't find an answer to his question 'who am I?'.The question that he oftenly ask to himself.The question that he will never get the answer from anyone.

10 years of anger for being weak.Weak to protect himself.Weak to fight for the answer he seeks.

10 years of hatred to the world because for making him weak, suffering, sad and crying.

10 years of hearing the cracking fingers...

"Forgive me, Shiro-kun.I'm about to replace you because I'm bored with you.My next toy is younger and funnier than you" Yamori said as he cracked his index finger.

What Yamori doesn't know is that he was about to complete creating a vicious, brutal, dark and ruthless monster.The monster only need just one tiny thing, that is his ANSWER.

"Beside I don't have any use for a halfbreed like you.A son of a ghoul and an's truely made me wanna to puke on the toilet bowl.That is what you really are." He said while removing his mask revealing his face.

At that statement Shiro's eyes widen and the word 'Son of a ghoul and an angel.' Kept echoing inside his head.Thats explained why he can regenerated his fingers and toes after they have been cut.

"Now, I'm going to devour you, Shiro~kun.So please DI–" Yamori was been cut off by Shiro as he breaked free from the chains and jumped onto Yamori's back and swiftly wrapped his neck with the chains and choked him with it.

"Devour on this." Shiro said without a single emotion sticked on his voice.He then bit the side of Yamori's head before jumping off his head while spinning on the air.He landed gently on the ground and standing a few feet facing towards Yamori.

""You taste like a spoilled dead fish in a trash can." He said while wiping Yamori's blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Y-you bit me!?" Yamori cried out loudly and angrily.The white hair teen just looked at him plainly, uninterested with all of this.

"You have no authority to yell on me.Plus, your flesh is sticky and disgusting just like your dead mother." He said emotionless which made Yamori angry.

"I'm fucking kill you!!! I will kill you!!! And don't think that you will escape after you insulted my mother!!!" He is clearly enraged and furios at the white hair teen.Yamori thrusted his kagune forwards towards Shiro.He jumped up to avoided the attack and tried to kick Yamori but somehow he captured Shiro's leg with both of his hands and grinned evilly.

"I won't let you go!!!" He tighten his grips on Shiro's leg but much to his suprise, Shiro twisted his leg which has been captured by Yamori and used his other leg to kick him on the face sending him flying to slammed against the wall causing smokes to came out from out of nowhere.

"After everything you have think that would hurt me?" He said as his twisted leg turned back to normal and healed itself.

The smoke cleared out as Yamori's kakuja started to wrapped itself around him.He cracked his fingers like a crazy maniac. "I will kill you!!! Fucking kill you!!! Kill you till you die!!!"

"Mad because you are a mommy child? What a spoilled brat." Shiro looked at him expressionless.Oh boy, Yamori is about to explode from Shiro's word.

"Y-you cocky brat!!! I'll kill you!!! You are just the halfbreed of an angel and a ghoul!!!" He roared in anger and charged towards the white hair ghoul with his new form like a blind berserker.Shiro avoided each attacks by jumping to his back.He attempted to punched Yamori on the stomach to slowed him but it showed no effect.Shiro jumped up on the air to get away from his enemy but Yamori encased him with his kakuja and hurled him to the wall with brute force.He smiled widely thinking it is over but his smile faded away and his expression was horrifed as Shiro came out from the smoke unharmed without a scrath.

"'s my turn to play." Shiro sadisticly smiled and cracked his index finger as his left eye turn into his kakugan which his iris turned red and the sclera changed from white to black with red veins through the eye and skin.His kagune then emerged from his waist for the first time as four tentacle claws with the color of red as blood.

The white hair ghoul jumped on the air and thrusted his kagune towards Yamori as he did the same with his kakuja too.Their predatory organs clashed, landing blows and sending hits at each other as smoke covered them but it doesnt bothering them for once.

When the smoke cleared out, Yamori raised his kakuja up to the air before hitting it at his enemy which Shiro succesfully, blocked it with his tentacle claws kagune and cut Yamori's kakuja in the process as Yamori yelled in pain for his kakuja being cut.

After cutting his enemy's kakuja, Shiro jumped to the air and landed a powerfull blow with his kagune as he landed to the ground and the strength from Shiro's impact was so strong until it created a huge crater along with smokes.Inside the crater is none other than Yamori who is completely injured from the impact.Shiro came out from the smoke and stabbed Yamori's wrist with one of his kagune that caused Yamori howled in pain.

Shiro cracked his middle finger while looking at his enemy plainly. "Count backwards from 1000 by 7." Stated the white hair ghoul.Yamori doesn't do what Shiro ordered him to do and much of his luck he got stabbed again on his other wrist.

"I will say again...count backwards from 1000 by 7." Still refusing to counts Shiro stabbed him on both of his legs in results made Yamori howled more louder than before.

"Count backwards from 1000 by 7." Shiro now is on top of Yamori.

Tears rolling from Yamori's eyes and his expression changed into horrofied. "993, 98-86, 9-979, 9-7-2, 96-5." He counted with tears wildly wetting his face.But the tears and cries doesn't effected the emotionless and heartless Shiro.His face is just plain without any expression nor emotion on it.

Shiro cracked his ring finger and tilted his head and hit his head until something came out from his left ear and he pulled it out.It was the centipede that Yamori put on his ear years ago and it still alive. "Do you know what sound you hear when you put a live centipede on your ear?" He said with sadistic tone and evil looks on his face.Shiro pulled Yamori's hair and slowly moved his hand with a centipede on it towards Yamori's ear.

"Please stop it!!!" Yamori stopped counting and begged as he crying like a baby.

"Keep COUNTING." Shiro glared at him which made Yamori gulped and continue to counting while crying until he ran off of his tears and do you want to know what replaced his tears? It's his blood.Yamori kept crying with blood rolling from his eyes as Shiro inserted the centipede inside his ear.

Yamori started to sneeze and his blood non-stop rolling from his eyes down to his cheecks.Still pulling his hair Shiro leans towards his ear and whispered something to him.

"Thank you for giving me my answer.I know who I really am, now.I am neither a ghoul nor an angle.I am myself.So I'll repay you for your help~" Shiro copied Yamori's malicous tone before slammed Yamori's head to the ground and eat him and his kakuja alive.


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