Let It Burn

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"Would you be very opposed if I told you I wanted to do something?" I watched as Anway considered this. We laid with his shirt off, and my head on his chest, on my bed. My house was empty. He inched his hand towards mine, and I grabbed his.

"You want to keep me, don't you?" He questioned with a sly smirk. I kissed his neck to keep him from seeing my embarrassment. "If I could stay a vampire hunter, and be a vampire, I would. Of course, the oldest person alive in my family who is still strong is the head of the hunters. And that would be me. I will allow vampires to join if they can prove that they are dedicated."

"Does that mean I can join?" I inquired in surprise. The sweet, slow kiss he gave me made me forget momentarily what I had just asked. I rolled on top of him as he kissed me again. "Is that a yes?" I mumbled against his mouth. He pulled away, opened his eyes, and they were clouded with worry. "I'll be absolutely fine, Anway."

"Carlie, I don't want to risk it. I- I love you, Carlie, and I don't want to lose you." Anway murmured. His heartbeat grew quicker as I traced his stomach.

"Who says I can't take care of myself?" I rested my hand on his heart and smiled. "I think I'm very capable." I rested my hand on his face. "You have to get to know someone first. Find their weak spot. For most men- and women, I might add, it is love. Lust. Want. Need. Everything that makes someone's heart beat faster. Of course, you now need to watch out for vampire hunters who are vampires, too. Since you will be one."

He nodded and took his phone out of his back pocket, and rolled us over so he was on top of me. I could feel his breath on my face, and I fought myself to keep from kissing him, for he was texting his vampire hunters with the news. I gasped when he kissed me again; I wasn't expecting that. His hand inched up my shirt. "Like this?" He smiled cockily and lifted my shirt above my head. His hand rested on my heart, and he nodded. "I guess I can also take care of myself, can't I? Bite me. I've never been bitten by a vampire before."

I looked at him uncertainly. He pressed his neck closer to me, and I felt my fangs extend. "Vervain?"

"It's out of my system. I wouldn't have asked if it were still there." Anway touched his neck to my lips, and I could feel his blood pounding. I felt my fangs sink past skin and tissue, and I drank from him. His breath came out fast, and I could feel his wince. I pulled away from him before I wouldn't be able to let go. "Let me drink yours." He whispered against my neck, and bit me playfully.

I bit my wrist and lifted us up. I brought it to his mouth, and watched as his wound from my bite disappeared. He stopped drinking, and kissed my lips, which were still laced with his blood. I wiped off my mouth, and he scrubbed his hand across his. "Now, you snap my neck." I looked at him in shock.

"Right now?" I asked painfully. Anway nodded, and I kissed him one last time before he became immortal. I twisted his neck and watched him fall backwards. I picked him up and put him on the couch before leaving. It was time to prove myself.


I came across a handsome vampire, drinking from a human in a parking lot. I wore my red v-neck crop top, black miniskirt, and hot black high heels to complete my outfit. I watched as he threw the girl to the ground and turned to look at me. "Quite a wake of a mess you leave around, huh?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. The lip gloss had him watching my lips rather than my legs.

"Impressed? Have you come to watch, or do you need something?" He winked at me. I bolted over to him and pressed closer to his body.

"I'm very impressed. What's your name, handsome?" I whispered into his ear.

"It's Evan. And yours, beautiful?" He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Cassandra. Call me Cassie." I lied. He picked me up and ran us to his pickup. He pushed me down fast and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, feeling his hand trail down my body and curl around my calf. Most of this happened in point-five seconds, and I reached into my skirt to grab a stake as he kissed my neck. I plunged it into his back, and I felt him bite down as it hit his heart. "Ow, ass." I threw him off of me and put the cap on the pickup. "Nice truck, man." I complimented the dead Evan.

I drove his truck home, and Anway was outside, drinking from a human. Sarah. "Damn you, Anway! That's my other neighbor! People are going to start getting suspicious." I tore him away from Sarah. Her pretty blue eyes were glistening with tears. "You are going to forget what just happened. Forget that I am about to feed you my blood. Then you are to go straight home." I bit into myself and watched as she drank my blood. "Ow," I jerked my hand away from her.

"Why did you steal a car?" Anway used his sleeve to wipe the blood off of his mouth.

"To show you how very capable I really am of capturing and killing a vampire before they see it coming. We can tag team. I mean, you stake the girls and I'll get the men. It's easy."

"Fine. Don't use me, is all I'm asking. I don't even want to know what you did with that man to distract him." Anway shuddered at my choice of clothing.

"I told you a good way. Tell me if you find one that's better." I snorted.

"Please don't do this. I don't want you to come home to me wondering who you were with and what you did with him because I will already know and I'm selfish and I want you to myself. After all this time, I finally have you, and I believe you love me. I love you. All that I ask is that you stay faithful, and messing around with others is hardly faithful, even if you are doing it for me." Anway whispered.

"Fine. Whatever. I won't hunt them if you promise not to use my method. No sly touches, no sneak kisses. Kill, or be killed." I gasped when something poured all over me, and it burned like hell. I fell to the ground writhing in pain. The hunters were back, and they brought vervain. "Run!" I felt a flashback seeping through my consciousness, and I whimpered. Lynn, trying to fight Anway as he held me down. I'd screamed 'run!' Was history on repeat? It was only yesterday that I got free of someone and was captured again. I was set free, and now here I was, burning with vervain as they dumped gallons and gallons of vervain-filled water on me. It was not a good day to have a half shirt and miniskirt on.

I was going to die. Did anyone ever mention that vervain is also very flammable? Well, damn. Because it is. They set me on fire, and I waited for death to come.


"Anway, are you okay?" I watched as they lit Carlie's burning body on fire. Did they really need to do that? Her body already looked like she was being burned. They were killing her. My true love.

"I'm fine. She didn't hurt me." I steered clear of the vervain and traveled into the forest. Tears were brought to my eyes. Carlie was dying, and there was nothing I could do about it. "F%#& this!" I yelled at the forest. I couldn't deal with this. Then I felt a hand at my neck. "I couldn't help her! Please, don't hurt me!"

"I allowed her to fall in love with you. Kiss you. And then you won't even save her?! I am going to kill you." His voice was at my ear, and he was choking me. I fought against him and turned around to face him.

*** Sorry again for the short parts, but again, I like to get things out to you all as soon as I can. Who do you think wants to kill Anway?

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