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"Cute bra" popped up on my screen none other from Luke Hemmings.

Scrambling for a shirt to find I stumbled around until I found one, clutching it to my chest  I looked out my window, Luke standing there, a massive smile spread across his face you could practically see it from where I standing.

I stuck the finger up at him, but he just waved. I roughly pulled my curtains across. Hoping I could  get Luke out of my view, me out of his.The nerve of this kid sometimes. I swear Luke loved to see me suffer. I reckon he only talked to me so he could annoy me.

"Pervert" I text Luke back.

"Babe, you know I can see you, not that i'm complaining ;)" He Instantly replied.

I grabbed my shirt pulling it over my self and opening my curtains back up. Luke was no longer standing there which I was praying for. 

It's bad enough my best friend Calum is also very close friends with him,  I go to school with him,  and have him in half of my classes. It's weird Luke and I have never gotten along. I don't know why to be honest. His hobbies involve annoying the shit out of me. Constantly getting on my nerves.  I guess I'm not any better, after the first year I pretty much just  gave up.

"Please get along with him" Calum would always say. Not that fucking easy Cal. Calum is practically like another brother.

Out of everyone Luke had to live next door. It has its perks though. I am on the verge of failing my math class, Luke's mum aka our next door neighbour,and math teacher, she  offers to give me tutoring, which is perfect and lately i've been getting better grades. Cons of the situation, Luke is 80%  always around.

It doesn't help my mum absolutely adores the crap out of him. And he knows it. I swear if she could adopt Luke she woudn't hesitate. "Hey Mrs Amour " I stopped as I entered the lounge, Luke's voice was coming from the front door. Groaning as he came into my view. "Luke sweetie what have I told you all call me Megan" She kissed his cheek. He gave the innocent smile, if you knew Luke you could so tell it was fake.

"Hey  Aria" Luke's mum said walking through and giving me a hug.  "Hey,"

"we still have a lesson after school?" She asked as we slowly made our way to the kitchen. Obvious they were having dinner here .

"Yeah sure thanks" I said slowly slipping away and heading towards my room.  I kicked my door open, immediately throwing myself onto my bed.  I heard foot steps walk in, the bed dipped next to me and I shot up. "And who said you can come in" I hissed to the blonde boy laying next to me, his back leaning against the head board one arm behind his head.

"I did" He smirked. "Well I didn't so.. get out" I snapped. "You know, this room looks even cleaner then it does from my window."  "Hmmm you sure do spend most of your time staring at my  house and room." I pushed his legs further away from me. "What can I say, my undying love you aches" He acted so upset, wiping away a fake tear.

I turned my head to see him staring at me. His ocean blue eyes piercing into mine. He was different. Luke was always referred to the emo at school.  His piercings, he had his lip and nose down and I think he was planing on getting his eyebrow done. He a had a couple of tattoos, he usual hid them though.

"Wow, do you even have a life?" He asked picking up one of my books, which laid with the other odd hundred on my book self. "Do you mind, and just because I love to read doesn't mean you have to be an ass to me" I snatched the book away from him, "So like have you read every book?" He asked "Yes" groaning I put the book back.

"So uhh where's your brother?" He asked running a hand through his hair, almost as if he was nervous, Luke never shyed away, especially  while taking to me, he just spoke his mind, which was also a major pain in the ass. 

"Out I think.." I answered while grabbing my phone.  "Why?"  "obviously Because I want to know where he is" Luke snapped. "Whatever"

"So if you hate me so much why are you even here, in my room talking to me?"  "Huh" I asked now leaning on my legs closer to him. "I never said-" He was cut off with my mum's voice . "LUKE, ARIA DINNER" She yelled.

"Lets go" I motioned to the door. Making sure he was the first to walk out the door.

A/N: PLease tell me what you think I would really appreciate feedback :D

Indescribable//Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now