Chapter 1- Slave // Edited

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Dear Diary... 

I've finally decided, I will share my story. Maybe the events of my past will finally stop haunting me, if I let it out somewhere. I know I'm still not ready to speak about what I've been going through. But, I will start by writing little by little, until I'm ready . Then maybe,  just maybe, I can start trusting and letting my emotions take the lead. But not yet. Now is not the time, even if they are starting to waking up. 

A small smile grazed my lips as I wrote the last part. The soft quill lingered over the worn out notebook I happened to find while looking around the mansion. I smiled at the memory, of how I found it. But the smile soon disappeared and my gaze hardened. 'I need to focus.' I snapped at myself and went back to writing. 

Now, we must head a few years back, when I still didn't know anything about what it felt like to be free. Back to when I was still a slave. 

I shuddered at the memory. 

And that, my friends, or whoever reads this, means I've been beaten hundreds of times, got hit by a whip  for  countless of times. and of course, sometimes I had to endure something worse than death itself.  

I felt my eyes getting damper. 

But let's talk about something else now, or write actually. Let's talk about the day when my life turned upside down, to the good direction, once again. 

It all started when I was running the errands for my Master...


"Crap" I panted as I run along the busy streets of Sabaody Archipelago carrying a heavy box, that my Master forced me come get. The tight shackles jingled at the every step I  took. If I were late by any chance, I would receive yet another punishment. I picked up speed not minding about the pain my bruised, bare legs were giving me. I just needed to be back at "Home" before  it was too late. Master wanted us slaves to call his house 'Home' for some f*cked up reason. But it's not like we can complain about it, I learned that the hard way. I already got way too little sleep last night and then He orders me to go get this damned box. I glanced around the town square I arrived and searched for a clock. 5:30 AM. And I need to be back for 6 AM. If someone could see me, I bet they would have seen the terror fill my already wide (E/C) eyes. 

I adjusted the box better on to my back and picked up speed even more, if that's even possible. If I was late even for 5 seconds I would suffer. Last time Master... killed my best friend whom I was very keen on.  I blinked back my tears. "Forgive me, Michael. I'm so sorry you had to die because of me." I started sobbing.  I don't want that to happen ever again. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face . I can still hear his screams when I sleep... I murmured to myself.

"Umph" I bumped into something hard and fell to the ground. I slowly opened my (E/Y) eyes, only for them to be met by beautiful pair of golden ones. My eyes instantly shot open as I recognized them. 

"H-Hawkeyes M-Mihawk." I stuttered as I tried to cover myself and the bruises with whatever I had on. And that was only one men's oversized dirty, white, button-up shirt. It had tears almost everywhere, so it didn't help much. 

I glanced back up at him. 

"You okay?" Hawkeyes asked me with an emotionless voice. I flinched when he brought his hand towards me. 

"Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine!" I rushed out terrified and scooped myself up along with the box. Then I took off running again. I didn't glance behind me, fearing that he might do something. But he didn't. There were no foot steps coming after me. The only thing that I felt, was those beautiful pair of golden eyes following my every move with curiosity until I disappeared around the corner. 


"I think that's enough for now," I thought as I put the quill down on the desk. It was already gotten dark. I glanced out from the open window, watching the stars. I let the smile graze my lips  as the soft wind blew from the window making the curtains flow. 

I closed the notebook, got up from the chair and walked to the bookshelf with the notebook on my hand. I put the notebook back to the same place where I took it earlier this evening. 

I went back to the desk and closed the window, that was right in front of it. I watched towards the sky one last time. 

"Good night," I said to myself and blew the candle out, letting darkness surround me. 

The Hawk and The Slave || Mihawk x Reader  (EDITED/COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now