Chapter 5 - The Next Day // Edited

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I woke up groaning as the sun started peaking through the window right into my eye. I noticed  I was neatly tucked  under the covers and the book I was reading yesterday placed on the nightstand next to the bed. The lights were put out as well. Some reason I was feeling all fuzzy and warm and overall happy today from some reason. Maybe it was the sun, which I hadn't seen in few days, maybe it was the fact I was sleeping on an actual bed and not on the floor... who knows, not me at least. 

As I had finished my morning necessities, I walked the mansion's steps down on to the first floor, following the delicious scent which I think is coming from the kitchen. I could feel my drool almost escaping my mouth when I arrived to the room where the scent was spreading around the mansion. Upon stumbling into the room I found shirtless Mihawk standing in front of the stove. I turned bright red and tried to sneak away before he would notice me.  But  given who I was currently living with had already noticed me. 

"Good morning, did you sleep well." He asked me as I tried to sneak away. I stopped on my tracks and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Good t-thanks." You stupid why are you stuttering??? 

"Everything is already made so please sit down and I'll bring the food soon." he turned back to the stove and I complied and sat down. 

Couple minutes went by and Mihawk started bringing the food to the table. It Looks and smells SO GOOD!!!!! My mouth started watering at the mere sight of the food. And then of course my stomach decided to make it self to be shown by making an loud, almost whale like noise. I flushed bright red, ones again when I heard Mihawk chuckle at me. I looked at him embarrassed but my eyes were met with a ghost of a smile showing itself on his lips. I hadn't seem him actually smile even once during the time I was here, just smirks (which are quite sexy may I say) 

"Eat up," He said digging into his own food. 

"S-sure," I smiled happily as I my taste buds were met with heaven. 


After the breakfast I wandered around the mansion out of boredom and I didn't realy get a good look at it yesterday. I found dozens of more rooms and wine cellar, more bathrooms, couple rooms with some old weapons in them and museum like room. 

I wandered in to one of the new rooms, it was quite empty, with just a chair, small table with binoculars on it, and a window. I sat on the chairs and grabbed the binoculars. Luckily the window was placed so it showed the perfect view of the ocean, thought it was kinda foggy out there. I put the binoculars on my nose and looked out to the ocean. It was beautiful. "Is that a ship or just weird looking shadow.." I thought out loud as I kept trying to get better view of the, well, whatever the thing in the fog was. Soon I got bored of not getting a better look at the dark spot, I rose up from the chair and but the binoculars back on the table. 

I walked out of the small room, only to get even more bored. I wonder if there's a garden anywhere... You had always loved being outside as it was calming and and back when you were a slave, being outside gave the you the only break from your Master shouts.  

You have finally arrived to the front door, when you remembered what Mihawk had said to you the day he brought to you this island. "Never go outside without me." he had said to you, but you were tired of being inside for so long and needed to go outside, even for a little bit.  "Just for a little bit, it can't be that bad." I smiled to myself and checked that he wasn't anywhere near. When I was sure he wouldn't pop up from anywhere I quietly opened the door and swiftly stepped outside and carefully closed the door after me so it wouldn't make any noise.  

I started walking down the stone stairs and made my way towards where I thought a garden would be. And I was right. I walked to a garden full of wine red roses. "How beautiful," I sighed and looked around.  The fog wasn't as thick as it was before so you could see more than before. I walked around a little bit until a single, white rose caught my attention. I crouched down next to it. I reached my hand out to touch it's delicate petals. It felt soft. 

Suddenly a loud voice came from the forest that made my jump up. "Should I go and look what it was or..." After a small debate in my head it was decided. "F*ck it." I left the roses and started walking towards the forest. It was still quite foggy out so I didn't exactly have the best view right now. 

Then I heard a twig snap close by. "H-hello?" I asked carefully slowly backing away, until I bumped into something, something hairy to be exact. I whirled around fast and jumped away, only to find out that I was face to face with an huge, red eyed, armed baboon. 

"Umm... Hi there!" I laughed awkwardly and started running away as fast as I could. The baboon shouted and started running after me, fast. 

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I  found myself being surrounded by more baboons. I stopped running and picked up a heavy piece of wood and threw it towards the apes. "That's enough!" I shouted at them. The piece of wood maybe slowed them down but certainly didn't stop them. 

I was getting desperate. "Mihawk help me!" I screamed. I was getting out of bread and tears blurred my eyes, and then AND THEN I HAD TO FUCKING FALL DOWN. "Well shit I'm gonna get killed by some stupid apes.." I thought and curled up in to a ball out of instinct. 

Then I heard it. The almoust growl like, but calm "Get out." said to the baboons. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find Mihawk standing in front of me with his sword. 

"You came..." I said smiling and stood up. 

"And what did I say about going-" I interrupted his speech by giving him a bone crushing hug. "I thought I would die," I started sobbing and pressed my face in to his chest. "T-Thank you for saving my life." 


I think that's when I first time actually started developing feelings for him, I wrote to the note book. After my little crying scene, we went inside and ate and than Mihawk gave me a quite huge rant about how "irresponsible I was" and "How much worse the situation would have been if he hadn't shown up." As punishment he decided to make me clean the entire dining hall until you could see your reflection in the floor. 

Oh god I still remember how tired I was after that. Also my knees hurt quite lot because of washing the damn floor. I cringed at the memory. I never wanna do that again. 

I should have known something would be happen soon. 



"Someone is knocking the door!" I shouted for Mihawk who was in his library reading something once again. Soon Mihawk walked from there and went to open the door. 

I peaked over Mihawk just when he said; 

"Akagami, What are you doing here?"


Of course I would't be able to give up on this cliffhanger. One more chapter left wheeee! 

Since the story is coming to an end soon, hopefully before christmas, do you want

a) A christmas special

b) special chapter from Mihawks pov


d) a random special chapter from whatever has happened in the mansion year after the story telling ended?

The Hawk and The Slave || Mihawk x Reader  (EDITED/COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now