Chapter 6 - Shanks' Suprise (Final) // Edited

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"Akagami, what are you doing here," Mihawk asked the red-haired man at the door. "Did he just say Akagami, as in the yonko Akagami!?" I started panicking internally. 

"Well obviously, I came here to party!" The yonko laughed. He seemed already drunk. "Anyway, who's the little beauty hiding behind you?" He asked and looked at me as my face turned as red as a tomato. 

"M-My name is (Y/N)!" I answered and hid behind Mihawk once again.

"Cute" I heard Mihawk whisper under his breath, and that lead me to turn an even deeper shade of red. I'm definitely not used to attention.  

"Ohhh," Shanks wiggled his eyebrows  his eyes switching between me and Mihawk, "Is there something going on between you two?" 

"No," Mihawk said quite fast. I could swear his cheeks were getting redder.

"You sure now?" Shanks smirked and made his way inside. "Because I think you have hots for her."  Shanks laughed until a man whom I recognized as Benn hit him to head. 

"Stop it," Benn sighed, "You're making (Y/N)-chan uncomfortable."  Benn was now glaring at the red-head. 

"I apologize (Y/N)chan, sorry for making you uncomfortable," Shanks bowed down, apologizing. 

"I-it's nothing, don't worry about it," I smiled. 

"Well then, let's get to partying!" Shanks shouted and grabbed Mihawk by his collar dragging him to the dining room while I waited for everyone to come in so I could close the doors. 

After no-one was left outside I decided to escape to my room. I didn't plan on getting drunk anytime soon. I walked the stairs up and went to my room, closing the door behind me. I picked up the book I was reading yesterday and dived into the wonderful world that the book gave me. 

After a while, I heard a knock on my door. "(Y/N)-chaaan, come party with uuss," A really drunk man shouted behind the door. Suddenly there was a small 'thump' noise followed by snoring. I set my book down and walked to the door.  I opened the door and saw the yonko sleeping peacefully on the floor next to my door.  

I decided to walk to the dining hall to see what was going on over there. And oh boy what a sight it was. Mihawk sitting on a pile of drunk fools who appeared to have fallen asleep during rope pulling competition. But the thing that made me laugh the most was the fact that Mihawk was crying like a little baby! Who knew the worlds greatest swordsman was an emotional drunk. It seemed almost impossible considering how much of a stone face he was normally. I walked towards the swordsman and stopped right in front of him.

"Mihawk, are you okay?" I asked softly. 'Idiot!!! of course he isn't!! He's crying!!' My internal monologue screamed at me.

"(Y/N)," Mihawk whined and tackled you on to the ground, "I missed you, where have you been?" Mihawk he slurred between sobs. 

"In my room?" I sweatdropped and patted his head. 

I got up from the floor and lifted Mihawk up as well. 

"Now let's get you back to your room," I struggled as the swordsman leaned on to me. "Damn your heavy!" I panted.

After a long and painful journey to his room full of falling downs, we finally made it to his room. I dropped him to sit on his bed. I got down to take off his shoes. 

"Geez, you're such a pain in the ass sometimes you know that," I smiled to him as I pulled the shoe off his leg. I got up and make my way back to the ding hall but before I even made it to the door two strong hands circled around my waist and pulled me to bed with them.

 "M-Mihawk!" I turned red as a tomato once more and tried to push his hands away, but his grip was too strong. 

He let go of me with one hand but still managed to keep me still with the other one. He brought his free hand and cupped my face with it. "Please stay, I don't wanna sleep alone..." He murmured softly and then kissed my forehead. I blushed even more if that's even possible at this point. 

"O-okay" I smiled, a little bit emberassed but cuddled close to him anyways. 

"I love you Mihawk," I whispered to him and buried my face in his chest. 

"I love you too," he answered and snuggled his face into my hair. 

Soon soft snoring filled the room and I let myself to fall asleep beside the man I loved. 

Shank's POV

I peeked in to see the two lovebirds cuddled up in Mihawk's bed and smirked. I closed the door quietly and began to make my way downstairs where my men were already waiting for me. 

"Benn, is everything done?" I asked my first mate. 

"Yes, we left their present into the kitchen," He answered, ready to leave the mansion. 

"Alright, Let us go then!" I laughed and went back to the ship along with my crew. 

"Hope they enjoy it!" 


Little did I know back then that the shadow in the morning fog had been the Red-hair pirates ship, watching over us and deciding what to give us as the present. 

I closed the diary and placed it back on the shelf. 


The End

'But what was the present?' You may ask.  

You have to make it up yourself ;) 

The Hawk and The Slave || Mihawk x Reader  (EDITED/COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now