Chapter 2 : Dying of Curiosity

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"Ey! Watch your profanity. We are in a school. Don't you know any better?" Mr. Krumpton scolded.

"We are going to die, so why can't I use profanity as my last words? Why don't YOU know any better?" I said in a pissed tone.

Mr. Krumpton looked at me, then he looked into the dark hallway.

"Stay here and don't come out. Understand?"

"Okay..." Everyone said in unison."

"God damn! He's such a dick. He needs to die, I swear." I said to my friends.

They agreed with me.

"Why is he taking so damn long? Is he lost?" Laura cried.

We heard a loud "BANG!"

"Shhh! Did you guys hear that?" I said

"Wait... I heard that too." Dream whispered.

We stopped talking and heard a loud moan.

"Uhhhhhh. Help..." Mr. Krumpton cried.

After we heard Mr. Krumpton, it was silent again.

"Yo, I think we jinxed him. Holy shit. What do we do?" I said.

Other classmates kept wondering what was happening, so two other classmates, Jack and Mike went out to see what happened. After a while, we heard "BANG!" then another. They both were shot. I looked around the class to to look for other classmates who were going out. If they were walking towards the door I would tell them to stay back unless they wanted to die.

"Okay, nobody will be going out until it's all clear. If you really want to go to Heaven then go ahead and get shot by no one knows who. Y'all clear on that?"

"Excuse me, Bitch?" Dream and Elly said sarcastically.

"There's no time for that. Just go hide under the counters, I got this." I demanded them.

I moved a desk in front of  the door to prevent anyone from entering. I told my closest friends to move to the middle counter, so they won't get attacked from behind through the windows. I care about them. The other students, I don't really care about them so they can go anywhere besides the middle. I'm selfish, get over it. Plus, family comes first  

"Everyone, find a sharp object to throw in case someone comes in." I demanded.

Everyone hurried to find scissors, scalpels, tweezers, and etc. They got into their throwing positions while hiding. I grabbed a few of the guys and told them to follow me to the door. I told two of them to stand by the door while one stood by me. We had our weapons ready. After many hours, nobody came in. I decided with my friends on what we should do. We decided that we would go out. My friends and the rest of the classmates followed me. I told them find objects to throw/kill with. Elly grabbed the lighter from the teacher's cabinet and hairspray from Annie who carries it around 24/7, Dream grabbed a scalpel and a large glass beaker piece that was thrown on the floor, I grabbed a fire extinguisher from the back, Iris grabbed perfume to use as pepper spray, Kuki has a balloon, the top of a water bottle, and a pencil, to use as a slingshot.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yes," Everyone replied.

I saw a kid taking out their phone to call their parents. He looked scared, but I knew there was no signal, so it was useless.

"Yo! Get off your phone. It's no use. They can't get in here so what's the point. Get your act together!" I yelled.

I took the remaining students and my assistants with me. I took the lead and lit pencils on fire with Elly's lighter, as our only source of light. We put on thick protection such as pans, iron plates and more, in our clothes to prevent bullets or knives. I gathered the crew together and helped them light their pencils. We give a look at each other and to wish each other luck.

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