Chapter 8 : Hell's Nightmare

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  "How are you feeling? You look pale," I asked, touching his forehead.

He's quiet, I should let him rest. I probably shouldn't make him talk.

"Actually, just. . . don't talk and rest. I'll be here watching the doors. Don't worry," I whispered.

He finally closed his eyes and rested peacefully as I watched the door for any strange things lurking around.


I lied. I had my mind elsewhere thinking. I remembered back then when he was always sick. I would always touch his forehead to see how he's feeling. He gets sick easily when it's raining. He would always call me and make me drive over to his house and babysit him.

He, of course, lived by himself. Family difficulties but didn't tell me much.

He was always there for me when I had difficulties. Every time, I shed tears and complain to him about my difficulties, he would always be patient with me. Once he enters my house, a bucket of ice cream in his hands.

The day Kelly entered our school, things changed. She tried everything to make me look bad in front of Ren and everyone. She liked him so much. This situation was hard for me, but I knew I wasn't right for him. They're perfect for each other. She is always trying everything she can to harm me, but every plot that she makes up tends to not work against me. She liked him. I always wonder to myself whether I have developed feelings for him. Think of the consequences.

But I find that it wouldn't work. It just doesn't feel right. All of this. I don't want him to feel embarrassed and miserable being part of my life. He has everything that I don't have. I have many difficulties. I can't drag him into this path. About my sickness, he doesn't even know.


"Ren! Ren! Wake up! It's all cleared. We can get out now," I said.

    "Good," Ren smiled. He looks better.

    I assisted him. He had a hard time standing up but I tried everything to pull him up. As soon as we got out the door, we saw Vinny coming our way to help me assist Ren.

"Vinny, can you come help me?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, " Vinny walked quickly.

"Vinny! Run! Behind you!" The watchers screamed at us.

There was one of those bastards with a gun. It was the same guy from before who shot Ren. Natalie quickly grabbed Vinny's arm and started running to a gymnasium with a few students in it. I quickly opened the door holding Ren, which gave the class a fright. I warned them that the bastard was coming. I helped Ren get into a chair. I helped the watchers get into the gym and then I assisted Vinny, Natalie, and Kuki.

"Good thing you warned me. I was about to become one of those," Vinny sighed in relief.

"We're a team. That's my job," Kuki smiled.

As those freaks were trying to get in the room, we knocked them down one by one letting Ren stay away from them as much as possible.

"There's too many," I announced.

"Keep fighting," Vinny yelled out from the noises that the freaks were making.

The gym was really big so we had to separate into different parts of the area to watch the doors if those things would barge in.

"I'm going to blast my fire extinguishers to shock them. Move!" Vinny yelled.

Vinny blasted most of them in the face while Cameron was using his slingshot. Those freaks were starting to turn into white frost with the substance from the fire extinguisher. They started to freeze. Natalie and I started knocking them out with hockey sticks from the gym. Most of the boys from the watcher's group joined in. They borrowed our makeshift flamethrower and burned many of the bastards in the nuts to show them who's boss.

"Ren! I have been looking for you!" Kelly ran up to Ren, hugging him.

The girls from the watcher team and Kelly were watching Ren. It was no surprise the girls wanted to watch Ren. Of course, he's one of the popular kids. What am I thinking?

As Vinny was about to finish doing his work, he looked at them and came slightly towards the bastards and said, "Look who's boss now, bitches!"

"Nice job, guys," Vinny complimented us.

"There's a few left coming your way, Dream! Watch out." Ren shouted pointing at the direction where they're coming from.

I looked as they ran and attacked me. The girls screamed. It was ear-piercing to them because they stopped grabbing onto me.The girls gasped as they saw Ren running towards me limping. Ren ran and tried to punch them. I could see the sweat dripping down his forehead. Good thing some students came and helped.

This is not good. He's going to faint.

Within seconds, someone grabbed my arm and slapped me. Kelly, who always hold a grudge against me. Blood dripped down my mouth. I smirked at her as I wiped off the blood from my mouth.

Everybody looked at me startled as if there is only her and me fighting on a battlefield.

"Bitch. Get away from him! Ren got shot in the leg because of you. And now he's in pain and he literally had to come up to you just to save you again. Can't believe he would save a person like you. Can't you save yourself?" Kelly yelled.

Kelly looked as if she was going to throw a punch at me. But next time instead, she would be the one who gets punched.

"Are you fucking jealous because he can't protect you like what he did to me? WHY don't you try asking him yourself instead of coming up to me and slapping me? YOU don't have the right to use your filthy hands on me," I muttered.

"Don't go close to him. You're just going to kill him if you keep on doing-"

"Kelly, that's enough," As Ren interrupted, walking towards us.

"Dream, are you okay?" Ren gripped my arm as he said it in an exhausting tone.

I pulled away from him as I wiped tears off my face, walking away towards the exit. It would be better for the both of us if I don't talk to him anymore. I have to stay strong.

Once I got out of the gym, my heart started to hurt. I need the pills. I ran to the bathroom trying to balance myself from fainting. The bathroom was empty with blood smears all over the place. I have no choice but to sit on the ground.

The sickness is back. This is not the right time. I thought to myself. It hurts to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I was in pain. The pain of sickness. The pain of love. No one can know about this. Sweat started to drip down as I desperately took the pills out of my pocket.

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