Twisted Words

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A/N Hello, beautiful people sorry if I haven't posted in a really long time. I've been really stressing with school work. If you don't know I'm a senior in High School and I've been extremely stressed with school. But I'm sorry with the excuses but I hope you enjoy. Also if you want to see more what my "work"? is that even the right word, but you can follow me on Instagram its Shawn_peter_raul_mendess. so Yeah hope you have a good day and hope you enjoy!!!!

Shawn is at the studio as I'm doing my homework that I've been working on for hours. I get a text from Shawn and smile right away

Shawn: "hey babe here is the link to the interview, I know you wanted it!" I smiled and clicked the link and my jaw dropped when I saw the title

"Shawn Mendes cheating?!" seeing the title of the interview made me furious but I made sure not to scream.  I started reading the article but with anger in my eyes, I was reading it so fast and I wanted to cry but I also wanted to punch a wall.

"well ya know going on the road I never see my girlfriend so ya know I have to compensate" reading the article made me furious, what did he have to compensate for?

"yeah Camila and I have spent A LOT and when I say a lot I mean lot I mean she's like my second girlfriend" After that I had had enough and closed my computer forcefully and went to the kitchen to get some water.

As I was drinking my water I heard the key in the doorknob twist and I knew Shawn was home. I wanted to scream as I heard the keys but I wanted to be civil and not be the crazy girlfriend.

"hey babe I'm home!" I didn't say anything and just continued to drink my water

"babe? where are you?" he walked into the kitchen and his eyes met mine

"there you are" he is about to hug me but I dodge him and walk to the living room

"okay? what's wrong?" I give him a stare and finally decide to speak

"how was the studio?" I asked with no emotion

"ugh it was good, made some progress" he came to the couch with some food and he sat next to me and I quickly moved to the chair that is across the room.

He looks completely confused "what what did I do wrong? do I smell?" I let out a chuckle

"don't play games Shawn its late and I just..." I hesitate and put my face in my hands and let out a sigh

"tell me the truth Shawn, are you cheating on me?" his eyes go wide and he smoothly comes over to me and kneels down and tries to hold my hands but I move them

"hey no don't push me away, let me respond first." he takes a hold of my hands and looks at me

"where the hell did you get this information?!" I look at him and see he look so sad

"don't play games Shawn, I read it" he looks confused and then he gets that 'ah ha' moment and quickly takes out his phone and I'm guessing starts to read the article.

The whole time his eyes were huge, then they went to angry, and then finally they went to sad. He put his phone away and looked at me.

"I'm not cheating on you, not even in a million years. I love you too much to hurt you like that." I start to cry and try to speak but no words come out. I just sit there and try to process what Shawn just said

"how do I know. what if YOUR lying?!" I start to cry even more

"because I love you and the only thing I have ever lied abut is surprising you, I cant hurt you it would hurt too much I would probably die. I can barley take lying to you about a surprise dinner let alone cheating. I know I'm not perfect, I know I'm not home all the time, yes I spend time with Camila, I'm not gonna lie but all I talk about is you. You are my one and only. I know cheesy but you are and I love you with my whole heart. You are my soul mate. I love you. Whether you like it or not you are my future wife, I will put a ring on that finger" stroking my ring finger "I love you to the end of time. Yes we have arguments and disagreement's but you've said it yourself if we don't have fights than its not love. You really think I would cheat on you? honey I love you, billboard messed up my words, I didn't mean it like that." he finally stopped

"but that's what it sounded like." I said in-between my sobs. He lets out a chuckle

"that's all you heard? babe, I'm not a cheater! I love you with my whole heart." he starts to break down and I can see tears form in his eyes. I take his face in my hands and stroke his cheeks

"I need some air" I start to get up and Shawn is still on his knees and still facing the chair. As I head out the door I start to cry. As soon as the cold air hits my face I immediately want to go back inside and hug him, but done I need space, he needs space. I need to wrap my head around what I read and what he said.

I start to leave the hallway leading to his apartment and I hear a scream and I close my eyes and cry knowing that, that scream belonged to Shawn.

I start to walk down the street just thinking about what happened and decide to call my mom.

Mom: "hey sweetie, why are you calling so late?"

Me: "I need you help. I read one of Shawn's interviews and it said he was cheating and I confronted him and oh my god mom he looked like he died on the inside."

Mom: "Shawn a cheater? honey what did he say?" I let out a sigh

Me: "just that he loved me and he wasn't a cheater and ya know it was more than that but..."

Mom: "you cant always believe what the internet say, remember when the papers said you were pregnant?!" I let out a sigh and a little chuckle

me: "your right. I was stupid, thanks mom" I quickly hang up and start to walk back to Shawn's apartment.

As I get to his hallway I start to hear yelling that sounded like shawn



I use my key to get into his apartment and he just looks at me, I just stare at him and he stares at me.

"hey sorry you here to uh, pick-" I go right up to him and hug him, I put my hands around his waist and he hesitates but his strong arms wrap around me and I can hear cries over my cries.

Finally after about 5 minutes of us just standing there hugging each other and crying in each others arms, I finally pull away

"I'm not leaving...ever" I wipe his tears away with my thumb and he kisses me tenderly, I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck and we kiss passionately

"I swear I thought I lost you, I would have died." he looks at me and I stroke his face

"I'm not going anywhere, and that is a promise." he looks at me and kisses me sweetly.

"come on I'm tired. be my big teddy bear again and come cuddle with me" he smiles at me and we go upstairs

We undress and Shawn gives me one of Shawn's shirts which just covers my butt. After I put it on I go over to Shawn and hug him for another 5 minutes

We get into the bed and we start to get warm and cuddly, with my head on Shawn's chest and one of his arms wrapped around my waist and the other on my head and stroking my hair

"Shawn, did you mean what you meant back there?" I look up and he looks at me confused

"that I'm your future wife?" he smiles at me

"every single word, you know me I keep my promises" he continues to stroke my hair and I slowly fall asleep

"i love you" I hear those three words and smile, knowing that I can wake up and Shawn and I still okay makes me the happiest girl on the planet.

--A/N AHAHA hope you liked it. I know the whole billboard thing was a long time ago, but I thought it would make a good story line, so I hope you liked it and hope you have a good rest of you day/night.

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