Chapter 28:

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"So what's the update on you and Jigz?" Cierra asked. "Back together yet?"

"Haha, no. We are not getting back together. He got like 6 more months. If he gets out acting like my Jayon and not idiot ass Jigz we can see where things go. Otherwise I'm good."

"Plus after that phone call that morning I haven't heard from him and it's been like a week and a half."

"Wait, seriously?" She asked.

I nodded before sighing.

"So a couple days ago I got a letter from him which said, so you out there happily single huh?"

"Uh-huh." Cierra said as she was nursing Micah waiting for me to continue.

"That's all it said."



"So I replied just as short, but honest and said, no I'm honestly not, but I was done putting up with the same shit. Can you call? Still no call."

"And it's pissing me off because he knows how paranoid I get when I don't hear from the ones I love on a regular."

"Then his visit was yesterday and even tho I haven't heard from him I was like I'ma still go. I promised him I'd be there every visit, just be there for him period, and I meant that."

"So usually when I walk into the visiting room Jayon is already there waiting for me. This time he wasn't and the guard tells me he'll be right out. Ten minutes go by, nothing. Another ten minutes go by a different guard stops and asks who I'm waiting for. I'm like Jayon Wright. He leaves for a minute comes right back and tells me he isn't accepting visitors right now."

"Tink, don't." She said since my eyes were starting to water, but I wasn't gonna let myself cry.

"It's like all he did was find another way to make me miserable. I left that visit and cried my damn eyes out and for fuckin what? It isn't like he's showing he cares. He tells me he wants me to always be there for him, but why the hell can't he do the same for me together or not?"

"You just love hard. As you should. It's a blessing and a curse, but it's always gonna be more of a blessing in the long run."

"Tuh, I'm bout ready to say fuck love and anything related altogether."

"Stop." Cierra said.

"I'm serious."

"We gonna fight, Tink." She said.

"Mhmm. Let me go get my child so we can go." I said getting up to go upstairs where she's at with Mike and Noah.

Mike was sitting at the bottom of the bed playing some game. And Noah and Mya were knocked out sleep at the top.

"Mike, why you let my baby lay over Noah like that?" I ask as I picked up Mya. "She probably was squashing him."

"He aight." Mike said flagging it off. "She like two pounds."

"Boy." I said shaking my head. "Bye."


"You talk to him lately?" I stop and ask since I know he tries to call Mike like once a week.

"Couple days ago."

I rolled my eyes, "But he can't call me. Right."

"Make sure you use the gift I bought you too, Tink." Cierra said as me and Mya were leaving out the door.

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