
679 31 9

Edited September 20, 2017

"'Berrie, you in here?"

Anakin walked down into the 'shop hangar, seeing a dim light coming from one of the side rooms. He drew closer, feeling the familiar glow of her presence through the force. He silently crept into the small adjoining office to find his fiancé asleep, her body leaning forward onto the desktop. Padmé had a pencil loosely in her grip, her head laying on the crook of her opposite arm's elbow. He smiled softly, his eyes dancing over her peaceful expression before he bent low, taking her into his arms. She started to stir a bit, but he managed to shush her back to sleep, keeping her head nuzzled against his shoulder. The young emperor carried her out of the dim hangar, strolling upstairs to the main level of the palace. His blue eyes scanned over her, noticing the charcoal smudges on her hands; she must've been working really hard - he'd have to go back down and look at her sketches.

He came to the foyer fairly quick, carrying her up the grand staircase with ease. "Wha..?" Padmé mumbled, her arms immediately finding his chest. "You're safe..." Anakin shushed her, nudging his head against hers. "Ani." She sighed, hugging him around the neck. "Relax, babe. I'm just taking you to bed; you fell asleep downstairs in the workshop." He kissed her side of her forehead, seeing her door a short distance away. "I thought you weren't supposed to go down there anymore?" He taunted her, recalling how he told the whole palace the shop was off limits.

"I wanted some peace and quiet. Plus, I didn't want to be disturbed..." She yawned, curling into his shoulder more. "Right, well, perhaps it was a little too quiet." He joked, opening her door with the force. "I'm sorry, Ani. I didn't mean for it to get so late." She felt the cool bed press into her back as he laid her down. "Don't worry about it. Just relax and let me take care of you." He kissed her softly, tucking a loose tendril behind her ear before heading towards the fresher. "Did you get anything of interest completely? Any ideas for the new shield?"

"Some, most of which would require an extensive, customized machine that goes under your throne." She yawned again, one of her hands coming up to her mouth. "Really? Would it be something you have to build yourself, or do I need to hire some specialist for it?" He smirked, seeing the small black smudge by her lips. "I don't know yet, it's something I've gotta flesh out a little more." She sighed, feeling a warm cloth being massaged over her palms. "What are you doing?"

"Taking care of you. I guess you got into the charcoal again because your hands are covered in black powder." He chuckled, taking his time to clean her palms. "I'm so sorry, please tell me I didn't get it all over your white sheets." Padmé sat up, worriedly scanning the pristine linens. "No, 'Berrie, you didn't." Anakin chuckled, using the rag now to clean the smudge off her face. He leaned forward, kissing her firmly with his free hand behind her neck. She scoots closer to him, curling up in his lap as she kissed him back with the same fierceness. The young emperor set the cloth aside, his full attention on his bride-to-be's lips. His mechanic fiancé found her legs quickly wrapped around his waist and calloused hands cupping her face.

"Gods, I love you."

"I love you too, Anakin." Padmé nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, feeling his arms wind around her a little tighter. Anakin stroked her hair, feeling the tension in his shoulders fall away at her touch. "You should get some sleep. Do you mind if I have a look through your sketches?" She shook her head, feeling the mattress press into her back once more. "Stay with me?" He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Only until you fall asleep." Anakin helped cover her up before taking his place on the other side of Padmé, spooning her from on top of the comforter. "Sleep well, Angel..." He ran a comforting hand over her head, playing with her hair as she fell asleep...


The Emperor found his way back down into the 'shop, his destination still dimly-lit and undisturbed. Blueprints were sprawled out over the desk where he'd found his fiancé as well as the long table behind her. The holo-screen on the wall behind the table also had been scribbled on. He found a small journal open on the desk, neat cursive words scrawled over an open page. Anakin sat down, beginning to read.

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