
647 31 14

Edited September 20, 2017

Shmi smiled as Padmé entered her parlor. "You look beautiful, my dear."

As requested by Lady Skywalker, the visiting mechanic wore a dress she'd picked out for her first lesson in royalty. Padmé was wearing a royal blue dress that had an empire waistline, tasteful v-neck and a skirt that reached just above her knees. She also had on a matching blue pair of heels that boosted her up from Shmi's shoulder-tops to her forehead. "Well, considering you practically dressed me, I'd expect to look nothing short of it." Careful not to fall, Padmé walked over to her fiancé's mother. "Wonderful, my dear. Now, let's have a seat and begin your lesson for the day."

They walked out of the parlor arm-in-arm, their destination a room down the eastern hall - just out of the main foyer. Inside, the room was split in half; one side was furnished to be a seating area while the other a small dining area. The walls were a light pewter blue, curtains of navy silk accenting the one large window on the rear wall. "So, the objective of today's lesson is to see how much work I've got to do before the wedding." Shmi glided over the carpets to the seating area, taking a seat in a padded chair. "I'm quite aware that you have impeccable manners, and a good head on your shoulders. All you're missing is the royal touch, and you'll be fit to rule alongside my son." She turned her attention to her flanking handmaidens. "Gemma, Jade, please go down to the kitchen and fetch a small meal for us to eat in a bit." The girls bowed before hurrying out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

"Come have a seat, Padmé." Shmi invited her over, gesturing to the plush chair opposite of her. Padmé walked over to the indicated seat, stepping out of her shoes; she tucked her feet under her, slouching back against the cushioned back. "So what's the first on the agenda, my lady?" The elder woman kept her face neutral as she stood up. "Apparently, sitting like a lady has placed itself at the top. Watch me, my dear." Shmi gracefully sat down towards the edge of her seat, her legs together and angled to the side. Her back was straight, her shoulders back, her head high and hands folded together in her lap. "While I do understand the need to be comfortable and I sit like you are now myself sometimes, a Queen never sits in such a manner in front of her subjects. Now, I want you to stand up and try again."

Padmé slowly got up, sitting down more proper this time. Her back found the back of the plush once again but this time, she didn't slouch as much. Her feet were barely touching the ground due to her height; she crossed one leg over another instead of having them straight out. She folded her hands in her lap with her fingers laced together as she looked back at Shmi with her neck straight. "How's this?"

"Definitely an improvement, but not quite there yet." Shmi got up from her seat, motioning for Padmé to do the same. "First, we sit close to the edge of the seat. We never let our backs touch the chair as sitting up tall is a sight of power and dignity." She instructed, watching the girl mirror her as best as she could. "We always keep our shoulders up and in line with our hips, promoting good posture with a straight spine." Shmi watched as Padmé struggled not to arch her back. "If it makes it easier to find the good posture, try standing up and rolling your shoulders back. You'll know your posture is perfect when your thumbs face forward, fingers at your sides." Her hazel watched as her future daughter-in-law stood up, finding her good posture before sitting on the edge of her seat again. "Much better, Padmé."

"Can I cross my legs? My mother always told me it was the most ladylike way to sit. Plus, it kept me from sitting like a man as she lovingly called it." Padmé started to cross her legs but stopped when Shmi held a hand up. "For commoners and behind closed doors, it is the most ladylike. However, as a Queen and as an Empress, you'll sit with your knees together and your ankles crossed. It shouldn't feel too uncomfortable; you're basically sitting with your feet crossed over one another." Padmé did as she was told, adjusting accordingly to Lady Skywalker's instructions. "The final thing you must do is remember to keep your head up. It should be natural with the straight back and your posture but just in case, remember to keep your tiara up." Shmi smiled, seeing Padmé finally get it down well enough. "You've done well. Now, do it with the heels on."

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