Edited September 20, 2017

The next three weeks passed by like a blur. In the mornings, Padmé would rise early and dress, immediately heading downstairs to get to work. Fifty of the beacons had been completed and mounted around the gates and palace: today, she had to finish the final six and have them ready to be mounted over the next few days. Luckily for her, she'd have the 'shop all to herself today. Paolo's sister was having her first child so he'd flown back to Naboo whereas Rush needed to go check on a project on Tatooine, something about a malfunction drawing him (and the workers) away. She was grateful for the peace, the quiet environment reminding her of the junkyard she'd been absent from...

"'Berrie, you got a few?"

Her comm brought her back to reality, setting aside the incomplete beacon in her hands. "I'm free whenever, Vader. My crew isn't back for a few days, I'm just tinkering away down here, all by myself..." She heard the smirk in his voice before she mentally envisioned it. "Come on upstairs, there's something I'd like to talk to you about." Padmé found herself smirking at that. "Oh? What business is this for, project or...something else?" A deep chuckle came through the small speaker. "Why don't you come find out? I'm in my study." With that, she cut the call and hurried upstairs to the main level of the palace. Since they'd started secretly dating, it was random calls that would let her know he was free to be with her for a little while. If she was right, they had roughly been together for roughly two and a half weeks, three days away from three weeks. Usually, she would only get to spend time with him at night, down by the palace gardens; anytime he called during the day, she made sure she didn't let the opportunity to see her boyfriend slip from her grasp. Padmé brushed past a few maids walking down the main corridor, seeing his office door open. 

"...I'll have that list to you by the end of the day, my lord." She saw Lassiter creep out of the study, giving him a smile when he faced her. "Hello Prellon, is the King in?" He nodded, returning the smile. "He is and from what I understand, he's expecting you." She laughed, heading to the doorway behind him. "I won't keep him waiting then, thank you." Once he started walking away, she slipped inside. "You needed me, Vader?" He looked up at the sound of her voice, grinning from beneath his hood. "Yes, come in. Shut the door if you don't mind." He stood up, watching her do as he asked, waiting for the click of the lock before dropping his hood.

"Come here, love."

Padmé ran the short distance between them, embracing him softly. "Is everything alright?" He scooped her up and into his lap, sitting back down in his chair. "Yes, why do you ask?" She shivered, feeling a hand run up and down her back. "You never call me during the day, that's all..." He chuckled, feeling her lean into his touch. "Well, I have been invited to a wedding and I've been told to bring a date. I was hoping you'd accompany me..." She raised an eyebrow. "Who's getting married?"

"The Duchess of Mandalore."

Padmé sat straight up on his thigh. "Satine's getting married? To who?" Anakin smiled at her, brushing aside one of her loose curls. "A man from the Stewjon system. He's apparently the leader of their system: his people call him Duke Kenobi." She squealed at this, grinning wide. "A Duke for my Duchess, oh my goddess! I'm so happy for her!" He grabbed one of her hands, bringing her attention back to him. "Will you be my date to the wedding, Angel?" She wrapped her arms around his neck, pecking his cheek before nuzzling into his shoulder. "Absolutely... When is the wedding and how long will we be gone?" He rubbed his chin, remembering the email. "Well, Satine wanted to see me before the wedding and catch up so... Five days, four nights. I'm also throwing in another two days in there because if you're going, I want time with you as well." He pressed his forehead against hers, their noses brushing against one another. "That sounds wonderful, I could use a break from the project. When do we leave?"

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