CHAPTER 11 "Just me isn't enough.."

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I stepped out of my car slamming it carefully without making any big noise. I jogged into the building with my phone in my hand. I shook my head, looking down at the floor. Everyone stopped when I walked bye.

"Assholes.. I'll kill you if you keep starring at me like that.." I said to myself bumping into someone.

I grabbed I guy and smashed him into the lockers making everybody leave the corridor.

"Which number has Paula Bernal on her locker?" I rasped holding him by his shirt.

"Please don't kill me -

"I won't kill you! Just give me the damn number!" I hissed.

The guy gulped hard and pointed to the right.


"Thanks man." I said losing the grip of his shirt and patted his back.

I ran through the empty corridor and searching for her locker.

"68.. 70.. 72-"

"Ring ring ring!"

I hid behind a corner and took up my phone. Everyone just finished their classes. I was hoping to see Paula in the ocean of people. Bingo. Found her.

I gazed at her and two girls beside her waiting for them to leave their lockers.

"Turn around." I texted her and walked around the corner.

Paula stopped and turned around. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

She smiled happily and ran towards me. I separated my arms, ready to catch her. I was smiling the biggest smile. I couldn't help it.

She jumped up in my embrace and tangled her legs around my torso wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"I've missed you too." She said and caressed my cheek and jawline. It felt so good to finally feel her warm touch again. "I never thought you were actually going to contact me-

"Um, hello?" The brown girl in the background spoke up.

I pulled Paula down as she turned to the girls.

"Sorry, Elsa and Mika, this is Justin. Justin, this is my two best friends, Elsa and Mika." Paula smiled. I could tell she was bit nervous.

"I've heard about you two before." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

The girls stood there smiling not knowing what to say nor do. I glanced at Elsa making sure Paula didn't see it.

"It's nice to meet you." Mika said breaking the awkward silence. "If you excuse us we have lunch break, so we gotta go." Mika smiled and walked away with Elsa. Her cheeks getting red of embarrassment.

"Damn. He's hot." Elsa said while walking away.

I laughed and looked down at the ground. "I could get used to that girl. She's hot."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Paula furrowed her eyebrows playing sexy wanting me to compliment her.

"But not hotter than you.." I smirked and smashed her into the locker kissing her roughly.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my nose traveling down to my neck. She tugged on my skin making me moan and squeeze her ass. She was so good.

She froze.

"Baby what's wrong?" I whispered. "Paula, what is it?" I asked trying to not sound angry knowing something wasn't right. I could see that in her eyes.

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