CHAPTER 20 "You won't be sad forver."

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I went out of the car and started toward Mikas front door, I practically lived there now. I walked upstairs and into her room to change clothes. I grabbed the missoni shopping bag and put the gold and black patterned dress Mika had picked for me. It was perfect. She does really have good taste. I took my hairbrush and ran it quickly through my hair, soaked my lashes in mascara and and put on some rouge on my cheekbones.

"Where have you been?" Mika walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around body and another one in her hair. I mumbled fast "out" and rushed around in the room, searching for a pair of black Loboutines. "The clock is almost seven." She said and walked toward her walk in closet.

"Which is why I have to hurry." I declared stressed as I changed heels and rushed over to Mika and kissed her cheek. "Bye!" I smiled and grabbed my balenciaga clutch for company.

"Where are you going?" She asked, wondering why I was in such a rush and good mood.

"I'll tell you later!" I yelled from the stairs.

I heard her mumble a quiet "ooookay?" as I ran downstairs and shoved myself into the car, Eric and Tanner tightly behind which was really starting to piss me off.

I parked the car outside the movies and saw Stefan leaning against a wall of bricks as he checked his phone with one hand in his jeans pocket. I stepped gladly out of the car as I took up my phone to text Eric.

"Pls give us some privacy."

"Got it." He texted back two seconds later.

I put down my phone as I looked up at Stefan, walking toward him. "Hey stranger!" I smiled as his head snapped up.

"Hi." He said calmly with a smile on his lips as he gave me a friendly hug. "You made it." Stefan smiled, his green innocent eyes gazing at me.

"I did." I rolled my lips inside my mouth. "I'm late, aren't I?" I bit my lip.

"No, not at all, I just arrived too." He smiled as Stefan shook his head toward the entrance. "Shall we?" Stefan asked as he put down his hands back in his pockets. I nodded and followed him into the building.


"I must have laughed so hard when that guy sang in the truck and the others was like "what the hell is he doing?"" I laughed as I held my arm around his while leaving the movies.

"I seriously thought I was gonna shit my pants!" Stefan burst out in laughter, almost loosing balance, both of us.

My stomach pinched of laughing so hard and tears of joy streamed out. "And when they were going to pass that duty with all the weed in that buss and..." I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even speak and stand up straight. I sat down on the ground to get my balance back, making Stefan laugh even harder, if that was possible.

I had never seen him laugh so much. I had never laughed so much myself and it felt so damn good to laugh, which I hadn't been doing in a very long time.

I calmed down as I stood up leaning against Stefan's chest. Both of us staring at each other's eyes.

"Do you want to go and grab a kebab or something?" I asked breaking the romantic silence.

"You sure?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Won't Bieber come and kill me then?" Stefan laughed.

"I broke up with him." I said as Stefan stiffened, immediately regretting what he said.

"I'm so sorry. What happened?" He asked with his concerned voice as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing. It just felt like I was crying and grieving the whole time and it's not because he did something wrong, I loved him, I still do but pieces in my life was just falling apart." I said as we walked slowly on the pathway.

Stefan stopped and looked right down at me. "You won't be sad forever, Paula." He whispered softly as I smiled with a small smile.

"Are we gonna grab that kebab, or what?" He smiled and laid his arm around my shoulder as I held my hand on his, giving him the permission to hold me like that.

I laughed in answer as we continued our walk toward an Italian restaurant around the corner. I felt a cold shiver running through my body when we opened the door to the restaurant as the icy cold temperature turned.

Stefan helped me take off my coat like a gentleman as he hung it on my chair behind me. He sat down in front of me as he stretched toward me and threw away a leaf that was stuck in my hair.

"Are you growing flowers in your hair?" Stefan smiled. I laughed.

"Thank you." I said kindly. "For everything." I started. "For being there when I didn't have someone else to talk to." My voice quietened as I licked my lips and gazed down at the menu, getting embarrassed.

I looked up at him as he made sure we had eye contact. "Anytime." Stefan said softly.

The first thing I gave attention to when I met Stefan the first time was his voice, his soft, calm and delicate voice. It was like an actor from a romantic movie. "Stefan stared into her eyes, looking right through her soul." And the way he moved, slowly, gently, a bit shy, withdrawn and mysterious but that only made me want to know him better. He was the right opposite of Justin. The minute I was with Stefan I had completely forgotten Justin. I could just say it out loud, it was so obvious. So damn obvious. I was falling for him.

We finished our dishes and payed. Stefan held the door like a gentleman for me when we leaved the restaurant. We started walking to the movies where I had parked the car, my arm claimed onto Stefan's. I felt safe with him. Stefan didn't need a gun to make me feel safe or pay two bodyguards to protect me. He was enough. We stopped outside the car as Stefan turned to face me, looking down.

"I had really fun tonight." I said, really meaning it with a big smile on my face.

"Me too." He said happily but calm. He put a strand of my hair behind my ear, looking right into my eyes. I couldn't help but laugh an embarrassed laugh, making him laugh too. "You look really beautiful when you're laughing." Stefan caressed my fragile cheekbones as I followed his every move, knowing what he was gonna do next.

Stefan held my face between his thumb and index finger as he pulled me up and kissed me gently. I kissed back as I stood on my tiptoes, leaning closer to him. Stefan kissed me, careful, barely touching my delicate lips. He pulled back slowly as I opened my eyes and licked my lips.

"I have wanted to do that for a long time." He whispered as I wrapped my arm around his neck and slammed our heads together. He deepened the kiss almost immediately as he wrapped his arms around my torso, making sure his hands wasn't laying too low on my back.

Stefan licked my lip, softly, wanting entrance, which I gladly accepted as I cupped his face in my small palms, our lips fitting perfectly. I ended the make out session with a quick but passionate kiss. I leaned back while pulling away, still holding my arms around his neck. Stefan licked his lips, pleased by the taste as he stroke my hair and kissed my forehead cautiously and softly.

"Goodnight." He said with a thin smile on his face as his eyes shone in amusement.

"Goodnight." I replied satisfied and licked my lips as he smiled, caressed my cheek for the last time that night and walked away.

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