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It's useless trying to go to sleep when your insufferable prat of a roommate is kicking at thin air and whimpering slightly at his nightmares. I am of course talking about Simon Snow. I sigh and it's full of disappointment. I get to my feet and walk to the edge of Simon's bed.

"Snow..." No reply. "Snow. Snow!" His beautiful blue eyes dart open sending a shock that feels electric straight through my body. I love his eyes, they're a lighter blue on outside, darkening like the ocean if you go to deep. There are little yellow flecks in them too.

OK shut the fuck up now.

Snow sits bolt upright and spits out a bunch of gibberish to me, then jumps back as soon as he notices me staring. I looks around at me, his eyes impossibly large and glassy.

"S-s-sorry, d-did I wake y-you?" He looks almost frightened.

"No. Unfortunately for me, I was awake long before your pitiful whimpering." He still looks incredibly frightened, but nods doubtfully anyway, his gorgeous golden curls bobbing on his head. Some of them fall in front of his face, I imagine pushing them away myself.

"Oh. Well, sorry anyway. I'm going to go back to sleep." He looks so pitiful, it makes me want to cry. I don't though, that would be a bit weird if I just started sobbing in front of my roommate.

"OK." I say nodding my head and walking towards the bathroom, I glance back at Simon just before entering. His eyes are closed and he looks somewhat peaceful. I smile but only because he can't see it.


I come out of the bathroom to see Snow stood in between our beds looking like a lost puppy way out of his element. He jurks around to look at me when I close the bathroom door, looking incredibly embarrassed.

"OK, what happened this time?" I say only slightly sarcastically. I watch the blush creep up his neck and across his cheeks and smirk.

"W-well n-nothing happened, it's just..." His trails of at the end, his voice becoming so soft and quiet, I can barely hear him. The blush creeps even further, he's clearly embarrassed.

"It's just what?" I ask only halfheartedly, I'm desperately tired. I make my way towards my bed settling down on the edge.

"I can't sleep!" He blurts out incredibly quickly and loudly. His eyebrows are raised and his eyes are large again. I sigh.

"And what am I supposed to do about that?" I ask, once again only slightly sarcastically. He shrugs his shoulders and it's just too adorable to resist. I half-groan half-sigh.

"Oh, Come on then." I say nodding towards my bed and holding the covers up for him. He jumps up excitedly like child and practically runs towards my bed. He slides under the covers and I drop them on top of him, he cuddles down into them. He turns to me, he looks sad and frightened. It clicks then, he probably thinks he's going to have another nightmare.


"Yes, Snow."

"Wh-what  if I have another nightmare?"

"Then...Then..." I'm stuttering, if I say the wrong thing I could fuck everything up. I take a deep breath and answer, "Then I'm here."

He looks taken back so I turn over before embarrass myself further. I've never been so grateful for darkness, it's able to prevent Simon from seeing my incredibly flushed cheeks.



"Thank you."

I freeze as I feel lanky arms wrap round my waist, for a minute I just stay still. Until I grow the courage to place my hands on his.

"Your welcome...Simon."

SnowBaz OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now