eight | wondering

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audrey and james spoke on the telephone briefly just about everyday. he seemed very secretive to the young woman, almost like he was in hiding. it left her to be more curious than anything because she wondered what his life outside of writing was like, considering he barely spoke of his personal life.

james never went into detail about his family, which made her wonder about him even more.

did he even have a family?

audrey always went into detail about her own family and the musician never failed to show a deep interest in her family, as she was the first in her family to go to university.

the young author figured the man didn't have a family to call his own. she figured he was single and alone, which gave her bits of inspiration to flirt with him.

when audrey was in a coffee shop one day, she brought her notes and journals to try and jot down some simplistic ideas that would eventually turn to concrete ideas. her usual order at the coffee shop would consist of a miniature glazed donut and a small order of iced coffee.

"five twenty-two is your change, ma'am." the young woman behind the counter sweetly spoke, handing audrey a crisp five dollar bill and some coins for her change.

"thanks." audrey smiled at her, grabbing the change and quickly stuffing it in her wallet. she turned around after grabbing her doughnut and coffee before bumping into a talk gentleman. "i'm so sorry!" she automatically apologized, relieved that she didn't spill anything on the man that turned out to be none other than james himself.

"well, well, well.." james smirked at audrey, causing her to burst into uncontrollable, yet adorable giggles. "if it isn't audrey and her cute self, in the coffee shop." he patted the young woman's shoulder and smiled at her. "how are you, dear?"

"i'm fine." she blushed, looking up at him. "would you like to sit down?"

"i don't like to make myself known very much, so no." he whispered, leaning down close to her face to become audible to only her. "however, you're an exception. i'll sit with you and chat for a few."

"nice." audrey grinned at him and motioned to an empty table with two chairs at the back of the venue. they took their seats and began a casual conversation. "james, aren't you going to order something?"

"me?" he shook his head. "i got what i needed already."

"you were in line behind me.." her voice trailed off, not understanding james at all. "you didn't order anything, how could you possibly have gotten what you needed?"

"it was you."

"me, sir?" audrey blurted out, not believing what she was hearing.

"you, madame." james shrugged, smiling gently at her. he was taking a liking to audrey as well and he knew it wasn't right. "anyway, have you gotten any ideas or inspiration?"

"plenty, especially." audrey confirmed with a smirk playing on her lips. "i mean, they seem to flow whenever you're around."

"a little flirty, are you?" he teased, furrowing his eyebrows a bit at audrey. "i always want your ideas to flow and i never want you to go through writer's block. it's bloody hell!"

"well, maybe you oughta come around more often."

"maybe i should." james sent another wink to audrey and they spoke of writing as well as horrid experiences of writer's block until james had to attend to other business.

"before you leave, i just have a question." audrey stopped him. "do you have a family or do you live alone?"

"does it matter?"

"no, but i was just wondering."

"i'll just let you wonder then." the musician smirked as he leaned down slowly to press his lips to her cheek, causing her to blush deeply. "enjoy your afternoon, dear."

"you too.." audrey whispered to herself, watching the musician walk back to the front of the shop to exit. she noticed that a some group of young people, possibly teenagers, had stopped him as soon as he walked outside. they seemed to have known james and they held a brief conversation, full of smiles and laughs. it was priceless.

audrey just wondered how that group of people knew james as well as they seemed, but she didn't think much of it after a few minutes had passed.

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