nine | discovering

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as soon as audrey opened her front door to go sit in the wildflower patch for ideas and inspiration, james stood out on her porch with a bouquet of flowers in one hand. he was holding a guitar in the other hand.

"g'day, mate." james spoke in an austrailian accent, hoping to make the young woman laugh. he was successful as audrey began to giggle.

"okay, you're british, not austrailian." james bit down on his bottom lip gently, hiding his smile as he watched audrey's face light up by the second. "hi, james."

"hi, audrey." he spoke in a new york accent this time around. "hi, sweetheart. were you just heading out?"

"speak normally." audrey managed to say through her giggles, causing james to laugh. "to the wildflower patch, yes."

"why bother?" james finally started to speak in his natural accent and leaned on the railing that was built along the steps to audrey's porch. "you told me ideas flow when i'm around, so just be wherever i am. i guarantee that you'll get an idea or two."

"oh, for sure." audrey nodded before giggling softly. "you're here, at my house, again."

"well, what do you know?" the former beatle winked at her, causing her to giggle again. "i love hearing you giggle. it's the cutest thing."

"shh." she blushed deeply and tried not let giggles out, but they seemed to escape her lips. "come inside, will you? i can set these in a vase and then, you can play me some tunes off of your guitar."

"sounds fine by me."

the two writers went into audrey's house and james was opened into a whole new world.

"gee, if i didn't know any better, i would've thought you were a musician, too!" james exclaimed, admiring her humongous musical library. "wow!" her extensive record collection was in her living room, near the front door of the house. the musician was immediately drawn to it and spent time admiring her records. "you like chuck berry?"

"total badass." audrey blurted out and then she gasped, realizing what she had said.

"watch your mouth, young lady."

audrey arched an eyebrow at james, still shocked she even used that type of language. "well, you're not my daddy."

"oh." he looked as if he were thinking about the statement audrey had made before a small smirk began to play on his lips. "gotcha."

she giggled again and sat on a nearby ottoman watching james sort through her record collection.

"ooh, the beatles."

"i don't listen to them, i just know that one song that goes 'hey jude' and the other one that says 'let it be'. those are beautiful. oh, and there's the yesterday song, and that's a fave." audrey told james, watching him nod in agreement to her opinions. "oh, i think i also have the song, 'i want to hold your hand'." she shrugged. "my friend thought i needed to expand my musical library, so she brought those. they were nice, but they honestly just collect dust."

"i agree, they are nice." james nodded, pulling out one of the beatles records. "do you know the members of the group?"

"i know john lennon." audrey smiled, thinking of the musician. she thought he lived an aesthetic life and she admired him a lot. "that's my spirit animal."

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