Chapter 1.

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~Skye's P.O.V~

"Skye?" I heard.

"Wait what?" I replied.

"Aren't you coming?" Anna said, tugging my t-shirt.

"Oh, yeah." I said, walking on, Cody and Dan in front of us.

"What were you day dreaming about this time?" She smirked. "Cody?" She chuckled, elbowing me.

I laughed and shoved her. "No! My birth parents..."

"Not again." She said. "It'll just get you upset, come on! We're camping out tonight, lets keep it happy and cheery!" She laughed.

"I know, I know! I just, I just can't stop thinking about it! I mean, who are they?!"

"Haha, imagine if they were some couple that used to be huge, like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez! Imagine they both, or just one of them, used to be famous!" She smirked.

"Ha, like that would ever happen!" I laughed at her.

"Aren't you two coming?" Dan shouted, walking backwards so he was facing us, Cody doing the same.

"What? Yeah, we're coming!" Anna shouted back.

"What are you talking about?" Cody asked, slowing down and turning around so he was walking beside me.

"Oh, um, it's nothing.." I trailed off, Anna elbowed me again and smirked, running ahead up beside Dan, leaving me and Cody behind.

"What was it? Come on, you know you can tell me anything!" He told me, linking arms with me. "Was it your birth parents again?"

"Well... Yeah, it was.." I said softly.

"Aw come on! I hate seeing you upset, lets just have fun tonight, yeah?" He smiled.

"Yeah." I answered him.

"Good! Now, come on!" He smirked.

"Wait what?" I said, he quickly grabbed my hand and started running. "Cody!" I laughed.

"Ahh! That's what I like to hear! You laughing!" He shouted back, laughing at me. I let go of his hand and stopped to catch my breath from laughing.

"Warn me next time!" I laughed again.

Anna and Dan came down to us and smirked.

"You two are having fun!" Anna grinned at me, I laughed at her too, I just can't stop laughing now. I looked over at Cody who was laughing so hard he ended up collapsing to the ground. We all ended up laughing at that, when we calmed down, we kept walking, and eventually got to the lake where we camp every summer, it was almost dark so me and Anna went looking for firewood while Cody and Dan set up the tents.

"I think you and Dan would be cute together." I smirked at Anna, lifting some sticks from the floor.

"Me and Dan?! No way! You and Cody would be the cutest couple in school." She answered me, ripping a leaf.

"Eh, I dunno. I don't think I'm his type..." I trailed off.

We continued talking about random things, and made our way back to Cody and Dan.

"Someone ask for firewood?" Anna laughed, pushing branches out of our way.

"Just in time!" Dan said, walking up to her and smiling, taking the wood off her.

"We were starting to think you got kidnapped or something." Cody said, walking up to me. "Thank god you didn't!" He smiled, taking the wood off me.

We got the fire lit, and got our marshmallows to make smores, there was two big logs, me and Cody shared one and Anna and Dan shared one.

"Wanna tell scary stories?!" Dan smirked.

"What?! No way!" Anna cried.

"Aw come on, Anna! You can sleep in the same tent as Dan after, he'll protect you!" I smirked, Cody laughing, Anna and Dan both blushing. "I didn't hear a no!" I said, "Dan, you first!"

"Oh, uh, okay.." He said, thinking.

"Not getting any younger here." Anna said, he laughed and pushed her, and she pushed him back.

"There was a house, that had been left standing from World War 1, everyone claimed that it was haunted by the soldiers that died on the field in front of it! There was a boy, about our age, thought he was too cool, and didn't believe the legend, he decided he would spend the night in the house, the next morning, his friends went looking for him, and he was nowhere to be found!" He said. "Some say he got chased by the soldiers, others say he was brutally slaughtered and thrown into the lake down the road."

We all looked at each other, and Anna took a breath. "Boooooooring!" She laughed.

Cody laughed and looked at me. "Skye, you tell one!" He said.

"Uh, okay.." I trailed off, thinking, then I remembered one. "There was a girl, about 12 years old, got a puppy for her birthday, the next few years the puppy would always sleep under her bed, and lick her fingers when her hand fell, one night, she went to bed and put her hand down, and felt the dog licking her fingers, but she got up and went to the bathroom, she found the dog lying dead in the bath, blood everywhere, she screamed, and looked at her bed and tried to figure out what was under it, she seen something blinking, ran out of the house and was never seen again." I said.

Anna was holding on to Dan, as if she had just seen a ghost. I looked at Cody and he was stunned.

"Woah. Creepy!" Dan said.

"Creepy?!" Anna shouted. "That was scary!"

"It wasn't that bad come on.." I said. "If you're that scared, you can sleep in the same tent as Dan and he'll keep you safe." I laughed.

"Fine with me!" She said, running into the tent. We all laughed at her and Dan followed her.

Cody laughed and shook his head. "They'd be perfect together, they're both scared of everything!"

"Yeah," I laughed.

"You coming?" He asked, standing up and holding his hand out to me.

"Yeah." I smiled at him, as I reached up to his hand my sleeve fell down and I quickly pulled it back up again.

"Skye?!" He cried, sitting back down beside me again. "What was that?!"

"What was what?" I said, trying to hide it.

"Your arm!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling the sleeve up. Tears filled his eyes and I sighed.

"Nothing.." I said.

"Skye! You promised me he stopped!" Cody cried.

"He did!" I assured him.

"Then whats all this?!" He said, rubbing my bruised arms with his thumb.

"He started again..." I said quietly.

"You have to tell someone!" He snapped.

"I've told you!" I said quickly.

"That's not enough!" He cried. "It's child abuse, Skye!"

I rolled my sleeve down again and shrugged. "I'll be fine, come on.. I'm tired."

He sighed, helping me up, we got into the tent and he looked at me.

"Does Anna know? Your mum?" He asked.

"No... Just you.. Please don't tell anyone! I'll deal with it, okay?"

He pulled me into a hug and nodded, giving in.

It's just a few hits and kicks here and there, it's nothing serious. I'll be okay, right?


Hey guys, I finally got to update! You might be stuck with this being the only chapter for quite a long time though, I only got updating today because I'm at my grannies...

I hope you guys will like this story, as much as you did the last one, hopefully it'll be a little better!


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