Chapter 7

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The days following Percy's conversation came and went and Alex had fallen into a routine. Darryl left early in the morning and only returned at dusk. She avoided him as best she could when he was there and to her relief, he didn't speak to her.

Somewhere in the week after Percy had spoken to her she had found a note on her bedside table saying that she could help herself to any of the books in the house, even the one's in the office, which had recently been unlocked, and that she was welcome to use the television. And recently, she had woken up to a sketchpad and some sketching supplies on her bed. She found it very thoughtful of Percy to give her things to ease her boredom. It cheered her spirits somewhat for a while, pulling her out of her former depressive state but she quickly grew miserable.

She slept little at night, not only because she read until she could no longer stay awake, but mostly because since she had arrived on the territory she had been plagued by strange dreams that did not make sense.

When nearly a month had passed Alex could no longer bear the sight of the house. She had thought that she might be able to just keep herself inconspicuous and that they would let her go but she was wrong. She was becoming extremely frustrated and annoyed and she hated to think of what might happen to her. 'Would she go crazy?'

That afternoon while reading on the living room couch, she heard the car returning, and she got up and stomped her way to the foyer. She did not care about Darryl's temper or what he might do. She needed to speak her mind, even if all she achieved was letting go of her frustrations.

When Darryl opened the door an unexpected sight greeted him. Alex was standing behind the round table in the foyer with her arms crossed and an angry expression painting her face. He was not sure what to make of the situation so he said the only thing he could think of. "Are you all right?" he asked unsurely.

"No." She said curtly. "No, I am not all right." Her tone was distressed and filled with anger and frustration. He was about to speak but she did not give him a chance as she continued her rant. "I have been cooped up in this bloody house for nearly a month with hardly anything to do. I am not someone who can just lounge around in the house all day. I'm an outdoors person and I have always been very active and being stuck in here is slowly but surely driving me bloody insane!"

Darryl was surprised at her rant. Up until now, she had kept to herself and practically avoided him. Her blowing off like this was unexpected. Laughter bubbled up behind him as Percy made himself known and stepped through the doorway. "You sure are a spitfire," Percy said as he leaned against the closed half of the door. Darryl sensed her anger grow and he regretted having his inebriated brother here with him. "As I told you, you'll just have to deal with it until we can trust you," he told her as his snickering subsided. "And besides, there are hundreds of books in this house that you can read to keep yourself busy." He had no sooner finished his sentence than pain flared up across the side of his face as one of those very books he had spoken of was thrown at him.

"What the hell was that for?" he shouted as he rubbed his head.

Darryl stared at Alex in shock. She was livid and Percy only made it worse causing her to throw a wooden statuette at him, which he failed to avoid. "I have already read tons of books and I am sick and tired of reading!" she shouted as she threw more hard objects at him which he kept failing to avoid. "You said that I wouldn't have to be locked up in here for long, but it seems that nothing has been done so far and this imprisonment is going to stretch on forever."

Darryl jump forward and grabbed her by her arms before she could throw anything else. She tried to yank away but he had a steel grip. "Stop!" he said shaking her arms a little in an attempt to quiet her down.

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