Prologue: Sinister Stories

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When settlers like my granddad's granddad came to The New World they had to barter and trade the native Indians for land. The natives not thinking that anyone could "own" any land, gave it away for very little. This wove a band of friendship between colonists and the indian tribes. The natives often invited my granddad and many other colonists to their villages for feasts and ceremonies. The natives and the colonists shared legends and stories of great beasts capable over devouring humans and destroying villages like Windigos, huge monsters that devourer people and create more Windigos, the Seatco, a giant shaggy human-like creature that kills and eats livestock, and so many more that I could write an entire book about them all; which is coincidentally what I'm going to do. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that all these monsters are completely real and I'm tracking one right now. Sorry I've got to go....

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