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Lucas Collins
February 13

"There goes my baybeh." I sung as Amber walked out of the airport building.

"Hey baby." She said hugging me.

"How was Los Angeles?" I asked her as she got in the car.

I jogged to the other side getting in.

"It was so beautiful baby you need to come one day since you never been." She said.

"I've been before."

"Oh really with who?" She asked me.

I licked my lips. "Um I went with Marissa for spring break. The whole gang went matter of fact August and Raven just moved up here and in our building." I said.

"Yeah I need to go see my baby." She said referring to Aja.

"Yeah um White Boy and Sayria getting married too Well they might be."

"Okay pause you mean to tell me Tina and Ike getting married no. How long I've been gone?"

"A month and 12 days." I said.

"Oh well I'm just ready to get home and take a hot relaxing shower and go to bed and cuddle with my bae."

"Yeah I need to run somewhere real quick and I promise then you can cuddle with me." I said.

"Where you going?" She asked me.

"To um the store." I lied but she didn't know that.

"Oh okay." She said.

I was actually going to meet up with Aaleeyah about something.

Amber and I stood in front of the apartment building.

"What time will you be back?" She said hugging me.

"Around five-ish maybe I'll be back don't worry your little head about it okay?" I kissed her forehead before getting back in the car.

"Love you." She said.

"Love ya too." I drove off.


Amber Brown

Watching Lucas drive off I walked into the apartment building. Getting on the elevator I got on my phone on the way up.

I knew Lucas wasn't gonna stay with me long so I decided to hit my "friend" up.

The elevator doors opened up and I got off.

He opened his door and licked his lips smiling at me.

"Wassup baby?" He said wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Nothing much you letting me in or nah?" I asked.

"Hell yeah come in here with ya fine self." He grabbed my bags letting me come in.

I turned around grabbing his shirt taking it off as fast as I can. He pulled my sports bra off.

"I don't know how long he gonna be gone so we gotta make this quick." I said between the kisses he was giving me.

"What time he gon' be back?"

"Around 5 so I guess we can go a few rounds." He picked me back up pushing me against the wall.

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