A Son Of Mars pt 1

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-Percy's POV-

I sat there, staring at the chains on my wrists and ankles with no idea how to free myself. My sword was gone, my shoes were gone, and I was gone. Gone from Annabeth, that is.

I'd promised her I'd come back the next day, which happened to be right now. She knew the risks of this mission and so did I. Right now she was probably debating on whether to follow me into this unknown trap, or to wait it out. Hopefully she stayed out and waited, but I knew better. She had told me she would come if I didn't make it back in time. Why had I agreed to that? She's going to put herself in even more danger that way!

Let me back up. Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. I'm eighteen and a son of Poseidon. If you don't know what that is, go away and forget you ever saw this.

Anyway, two days ago Annabeth and I had received news on a new threat. We didn't know what it was however, so we decided to track it down. The two of us were led here and I convinced her to let me go alone to spy and get information. How had I convinced her? I still have no idea. Now I'm regretting that. If we'd been together... no. It still would have been too much for the two of us.

Long story short, I got trapped and captured and chained up in this huge dark room. I had a ripped quilt and a haystack for a bed, and two heavily armed guards at the door.

The room was very large. It had no windows, four ceiling lights that were on the verge of blinking out, and a ramp to the only doorway. The walls were made of solid iron, twelve inches thick. Both my wrists and my ankles had cuffs on them that connected to the wall behind me with a rope of chains. My bed/hay stack was at the opposite side of the room from the ramp to the door. Two guards stood on either side of the door and never left their posts unless someone else took their place.

Needless to say, I was tapped

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Needless to say, I was tapped.

I couldn't see any way out of this so I decided to sit down and hope Annabeth was smart enough to stay away.

-Annabeth' POV-

"That's it." I said under my breath. The clock read 7:01 pm and Percy was not back from the scouting mission. He was due back three hours ago, but he wasn't here. I decided that he must be in trouble, so I grabbed my black combat stealth armor and my new drakon bone/celestial bronze dagger.

This dagger was special to me, I'd gotten it originally as a sword from a giant in Tarturus, but it broke about a year ago in sword training, so I'd taken the pieces to Leo and asked him to make it into a dagger, lined with celestial bronze edges to make the kill quick and sharp.

I stepped out of the abandoned motel we'd taken refuge from in the past few hours, and made my way to the large gray warehouse down the street. That's where the suspected target was and also where Percy had gone.

When I reached the building, the sun had almost completely set behind the beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah mountains.

Only one ground entrance was obvious, and there were no windows. There was however, a roof access panel that I maybe could use if I could get to the top of the warehouse.

I was just calculating how much force I would need to catapult myself up, when the ground door opened.

Three men came out into the yard and I backed into the shadows of the building. Two of the men looked like army soldiers, but all of their gear and uniform was black. The other man looked like a leader. He had military cut hair, and a shining silver badge on his black t shirt. A long pole was strapped on his back, the way a sword might be, and he wore black shades even though it was dark. He looked familiar in someway.

The only assumed commander gave orders to the others, and walked back inside. The two men in black took position at the door as if guarding it.

If these guys were demigods, they would know how to kill me. If not, let's hope they were mortal and not some kind of shape shifting monster.

I had decided that the ground entrance would be my safest bet, even with the two guards at the door. I silently made my way to the entrance and picked up a rock. Distraction time.

I thew it over their heads and into the bird bath. Splash both of them turned and walked towards the sound. Easy.

I slipped behind them and opened the door. Once I was inside I locked it so they couldn't come back in, if someone spotted me.

I made my way down the hall, not meeting anyone. My ears listened for the sound of fighting or really any sound at all. It was silent except for my light footsteps underneath me. In the corner of my eye, I saw something move.

I froze.

Drawing my dagger slowly, I waited for any sign of movement. I couldn't see past a certain doorway due to the sudden darkness. The lights had gone out.

Just then I realized what was happening, I heard the footsteps of about five people coming down the hall behind me. I pressed myself up against the wall and hoped they passed me without sensing I was there. They passed and disappeared around the corner. I thought I was safe so I exhaled and stepped away from the wall.


As soon as I left the wall, something knocked my dagger out of my hand. I could dimly make out the silhouette of a large person in front of me. Then two other people came up from behind and grabbed my wrists. I yelped and tried to dislodge they're grip, but no use. They were really strong.

The lights came back on and I blinked at the sudden brightness. My captors were men just like the guards outside, dressed in black camo, and had on each, a black helmet. One of them shoved me from behind and said "Move". I walked down the passage with a guard leading the way, and two others holding onto me.

As we walked I felt something tugging at the back of my mind. This felt all too familiar. I couldn't quite place what it was though because we suddenly stopped and I didn't know why. Moving my head in an uncomfortable position, I could see why we'd stopped moving. A set of black double doors with a key board on the wall blocked our way. The guard in front typed something into the keyboard and the doors made a click sound. They opened into a dark room with four dim lights and a ramp leading down from where we stood to a rock floor and a haystack at the back of the room with something chained to it.

No, not something, someone. And not just someone, it was- "Percy." I said. He looked up to where I was and yelled. "No!" One of my body guards clapped a hand over my mouth to shut me up. Someone else was in the room as well as Percy. He had his back to me but I recognized him. He wore shades and had a pole on this back.

Suddenly, that something from earlier clicked in my mind. I knew who he was, why he was here, and worst of all, I knew we would never make it out of this place alive.

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